If you’ve been reading so far, you know:
This site is about one simple thing: growing your net worth.
You also know, that I’m not qualified to give advice on this topic. (See yesterday’s post) I’m not professionally trained in financial management. I’m a layman in this field.
However, there are a few reasons I am semi-qualified to address this subject:
First, I have undergraduate and master’s degrees in business. (Though these didn’t teach me anything about managing money.)
Second, I have authored over 100 articles on finances over the past seven years that have appeared in many nationally recognized magazines. At least a few editors think I know what I’m talking about.
Third, I have written a book on saving money – one of the best ways to increase your net worth. (much, much more on this topic will follow in the months to come.)
Fourth, I have coached people on their finances over the past decade, helping many to get out of debt and get on the right path to increasing their net worth.
Fifth, in the course of the past several years, I’ve read a gazillion books on personal finances, watched endless news reports, poured over countless magazines, and consulted many websites daily in search of financial wisdom. In other words, I’m self-trained.
But the best reason I can give you for why you might want to read what I’m writing is this:
Over the past 20 years, I have managed my own finances so that my net worth now places me in a very good position versus the average American. I started with nothing and while I’m not “rich”, I am doing well. And what I did (and continue to do) can be done by anyone. That’s what I’ll be sharing here.
Now, you can decide if you want to read on. I hope you do.
Posted by: STEVE Z | July 06, 2005 at 07:52 PM
Posted by: STEVE Z | July 06, 2005 at 07:53 PM
I can not understand why mutual funds don't do better with all the millions they pay for timely research. So two years ago, I decided that I could do as well as they without the high overhead. I am doing much better than the funds without the high price research.
Posted by: Jim Michaud | July 07, 2005 at 04:14 PM