With escalating gasoline prices, many Americans are feeling a budget pinch every time they fill up. And while it’s true that gas prices are the highest they’ve been in some time, drivers aren’t helpless as they try to stretch their gas dollars. Here are some suggestions for curbing your fuel costs:
- Use the lowest grade of gasoline your owner’s manual recommends. Most cars don’t need premium gasoline.
- Buy gas early in the morning or later at night. Gas is densest during this time and you’ll get more for your money since gas is measured by volume, not fuel concentration.
- Purchase pre-paid gas cards. They’re convenient, renewable and may offer discounts depending on the amount of gas you buy.
- When the gas pump clicks off, get the extra half-cup of gas in the hose by lifting it higher than the handle while it’s still in the tank.
- Keep your tires properly inflated. Under-inflated tires can lower your fuel economy by up to two percent for every missing pound of pressure.
- Make sure your engine is tuned. If it’s not, it can use three percent to eight percent more gas.
- Drive the speed limit. Going sixty-five miles per hour instead of the posted fifty-five lowers your gas mileage by about fifteen percent.
- Save time and gas by planning out your errands and getting them finished in one day instead of lots of little trips over several days.
- Take road trips in the fall. Gas prices are generally cheaper during that time of year.
- Shut off your car instead of letting the engine idle too long. You can waste between half a gallon and a gallon of gas per hour.
- Use your air conditioner sparingly for better gas mileage. Your engine uses extra energy to power the air conditioner compressor.
- Protect your gas mileage by driving with the windows up. Car-top carriers, bike racks and ski racks also create air drag for the car, thus reducing gas mileage. Use them only when absolutely needed.
- Make sure your trunk is empty. Extra weight can negatively affect your fuel economy.
Follow these tips, and you’ll be sure to go farther and spend less doing so!
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