Early on in the life of this blog, I wrote a post called "Get Out of Debt". (Here's part 1 and here's part 2) These posts generated a couple of good comments. Here's one that was mentioned on part 2:
"All excellent ideas, and some that we're actually considering (we were especially convicted on the cable thing). I noticed that all of the ideas stated above involve doing without something. Another option, instead of spending less, is to earn more. There's a double advantage here: you're spending time making money and not spending time spending money."
Generally, I agree with this. But, I had this response:
"You are correct! Making money is also an option. That's covered under my Principle #1 articles -- I write about it a lot -- so please stop back as I'll be covering that topic quite a bit in the future.
That said, I find that making money is not really the issue for most people, but spending is. I've advised people making $20,000 annually to people making $140,000 per year and it seems that the more people make, the more they spend. Plus, spending is more controllable (it's easier to cut off your cable than find a decent spare job) and more realistic given that much of America already works 50+ hours a week.
Thanks for reading and leaving a comment. I really appreciate it and enjoy the dialog. If we get more people to join in, we'll all end up earning more and spending less! :-)"
What do you think?
I _thought_ that the comment looked familiar! :)
Posted by: mbhunter | July 26, 2005 at 12:54 PM