Yesterday, I announced that we'd be expanding the free Moose Tracks ice cream t-shirt giveaways to celebrate both 5,000 and 10,000 visitors at Free Money Finance. I promised that it would be bigger than just the three t-shirts, but I didn't give details.
But now that we've hit 10,000 visitors (thanks again, readers), here's the announcement of who won and what the prizes are:
Yep, that's right. All 17 people who posted will get something.
What they get (there are different classes of winners, so here are the details):
GRAND PRIZE WINNERS: Moose Tracks ice cream long-sleeved denim shirt (or a t-shirt if you prefer)
- Bruce
- Jim
- Karen
FIRST PLACE PRIZE WINNERS: Moose Tracks ice cream t-shirt
- John
- David
- Govind
SECOND PLACE PRIZE WINNERS: 6 inch stuffed bear (Bear Foot mascot -- the newest flavor from the makers of Moose Tracks)
- Spiderman
- Kachru
- Geoff
ALL OTHER WINNERS: Moose Tracks ice cream magnet
- Camille
- Samir
- Dawn
- Steve
- MBHunter
- Jay
- White Zombie
- Jeff
For all the winners, send me an email with your name, address, choice of prize (if you are a grand prize winner), and size of prize (if it is a shirt). I'll then arrange to send you your item.
Thanks to all who participated and congratulations! To everyone else, keep reading -- we'll be doing an even bigger giveaway when we reach 20,000 visitors!!!
aw man, I didnt know it started since June 29, nor did I remember to put in a comment of "i want free ice cream" on the July 6th post.
Little did I know that it ends in July 7th!
What do I know? I'll wait for next time, shouldn't be long now. I want my free ice cream! Or at least a good coupon. heh.
I went to the supermarket last night, and I finally noticed Moose Track ice cream in the frozen section.
"Hey, its that company where this person blog works for!"
Friend: "Huh?"
Posted by: Cap | July 07, 2005 at 08:55 PM
Wow - I never win anything! Thanks so much!
Posted by: Karen | July 08, 2005 at 03:09 PM