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September 09, 2005


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I used the uPromise credit card for a while until I siwtched to one offering better rebates, figuring I can invest the money in a 529 myself if I liked. The "friends and family" feature is a nice addition that you can't really get anywhere else (without just asking your friends and family for money, I suppose).

As far as purchases being tracked, I wouldn't worry about that any more than I worry about my credit card company tracking my purchases.

I used upromise and thought it was a good program but now I found out about a new rewards program called I do all of my online shopping there and get rewarded by doing so.. The cool thing about it is that I get to redeem for a US savings bond everytime I hit 50 BD.

I used upromise and thought it was a good program but now I found out about a new rewards program called I do all of my online shopping there and get rewarded by doing so.. The cool thing about it is that I get to redeem for a US savings bond everytime I hit 50 BD.

I have an account with a similar site called Little Grad ( I shop online a lot (hey, it beats taking the whippersnappers to the mall!) and you really do save money... the sign up was so easy that family members all joined too. (helps I was able to link to the savings account gram started during my pregnancy.) Good stuff.

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