Here's part 2 of an article from Kiplinger's on how to make the most of a year-end bonus:
Boost contributions to your 401(k), if you haven’t hit the limit.
Look at that long-term debt.
I've got both of these covered. I've been maxing out my 401k for several years now -- ever since I retired the last of my debt. Funny how those two events seem to go hand-in-hand, huh?
Click here to read part 3 of this series.
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One thing to keep in mind is that some companies don't take a 401k deduction for your bonus. Some places do, some places don't. My old employer didn't. Check with your benefits administrator if you are unclear on it. Just bump up your contribution percentage for a few pay periods and you should get around that problem.
Posted by: mapgirl | December 27, 2005 at 10:30 PM