I'm now two or three posts deep on the topic of saving money by moving outside the US.
Here's a history of where we've been:
- It started with Best Financial Tips from FMF Readers, Part 7: Retire Overseas (which was part of the Best Financial Tips from FMF Readers series)
- Then I had Comments: Best Financial Tips from FMF Readers, Part 7: Retire Overseas which agreed with the original premise -- that you can live like a king in another country.
However, moving overseas is not all a bed of roses. Consider this comment:
My in-laws retired down to Mexico and while everything he says above is true, there are also some other serious issues to consider.
For example, my father-in-law has gotten an amoeba. Twice. And after they came to visit our first child when she was three months old, they had to call us a bit later and say, "Oh, whoops, we may have exposed your baby to typhoid."
Mind you, they don't live in some wild outback -- they live in an established expat community in Aijijic.
Additionally, they have quite a bit of trouble with people breaking into their home fairly often. They finally had to put razor wire at the top of the walls around their house.
You get the picture. But even given all that, they're pretty happy down there and aren't moving any time soon. Your mileage may vary.
That's what I love (hate) about personal finances. The answer is just never easy.
The idea is still worth consideration. After all, who wouldn't put up with robbers and a little typhoid to live like royalty? ;-)
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and, when you visit Guadalajara, don't forget to breathe in a little of that polluted,smog filled air. Uh-Oh!--no catalytic converters required. What is that yellow tinge in the air? Oh, they're burning the sugar cane fields again!!Yummy. How about that litter? Is it because Mexicans believe throwing their trash on the street makes a job for someone else? Check out the trash bordering the lake.And which of the affiliations is the most popular abong the expats there? A.A. I could go on. Third world is third world no matter how nice the natives are and how inexpensive living is. The answer isn't easy.
Posted by: ron swiecicki | December 01, 2007 at 09:26 PM
I need to start living and i keep on slipping up how can i get a financal break through and how do i go about to have no debt
Posted by: M Koekemoer | January 26, 2009 at 01:23 AM
I've been to Guadalajara and I agree with ron swieciki. The air pollution is horrible. And people in Mexico litter like it's normal. I've seen this in other 3rd world countries, too. But Mexico is worse than average. When will they clean up their pollution????
Posted by: mysticaltyger | June 15, 2009 at 12:39 PM