My portfolio needs a total review. Don't get me wrong, it's doing well and I consistently invest from my salary. However, it needs the following work:
1. Rebalancing -- It's been a couple of years since I rebalanced my portfolio and it needs it bad.
2. Too many accounts -- I have a handful of accounts with Ameritrade, Etrade, and Vanguard. In all, I have 11 different accounts between taxable accounts, IRA roll-overs, Coverdells, and an SEP. That's way, way too many (especially given how I like to invest with index funds). I'm shooting to knock the 11 down to seven or eight this year.
3. Too many stocks/funds owned. In those 11 accounts, I own 63 stocks/mutual funds. Holy stock pickers, Batman. That's waaaay too many. Let's shoot for getting it down to 45 this year, then we'll work it down from there in 2007.
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