Ok, it's come to that point. I need to make an announcement regarding comments.
If you are thinking of leaving a comment like, "Nice post. Please check out my site." or anything remotely similar to this, please don't. I will delete it and if it continues, I will ban you from making comments. These are not valid comments and leaving them is not fair to the rest of the (legitimate) commenters. You can leave a valid comment and include your URL in the appropriate space (on the form where it's asked for when you leave a comment), and that's fine. But I'm getting a lot of blatant self-promotion where the author attempts (not so successfully) to disguise it as a comment.
That said, if you truly have a site you want me to look at, email me a private note, and I'll review it.
Thanks for your understanding.
Update: While most of my problems seem to revolve around individuals, I do have comment spam problems such as the one highlighted here.
Welcome to having a popular blog...my blog isn't there yet, but I do deal with it on a daily basis on my site so I know the feeling. It will only get worse, but it is a positive sign ;)
Posted by: pfadvice | December 13, 2005 at 03:10 AM
They should be trying to write insightful comments that would make the reader what to follow their link, great post is just a cop-out. (P.S. - I don't have a blog)
Posted by: Lolindrath | December 13, 2005 at 06:55 AM
I think you may be experiencing blog spam. I get about 30-40 messages a day in my moderation queue like this. They all start off with some pity "great site, I love your content, blah blah" statement and then lead into promotional links. Short of imposing an international death penalty on spammers, there is no solution.
Your message, while spot-on, regrettably is directed at robots with no moral capacity or people who have long since abandoned theirs.
Posted by: Duane Gran | December 13, 2005 at 11:16 AM
Duane --
Unfortunately it's not directed at robot spammers. It's for people with legitimate sites/blogs (in most cases) just trying to get traffic in a less-than-honest manner.
Posted by: FMF | December 13, 2005 at 11:29 AM