Here's a piece from Yahoo on how to best invest your year-end bonus (or any extra money you might be gifted, get from a tax return, etc.).
I'll skip the blah, blah, blah filler part of the piece and cut straight to the recommendations:
- Pay Down Debt
- Maximize Your Match
- Use the Money to Rebalance
- Feed Your Tax-Sheltered Accounts
It's hard to argue with these. They are good, solid recommendations.
I received a bonus this year and gave it away as part of pledges I made to two charities. I'll see part of it come back to me in reduced income taxes this year.
I'm a bit confused about the 401k issue you mention. My employer matches 50 cents on every dollar up to 6%. I contribute the maximum each year to my 401k, and this year I anticipate getting a large bonus in February. Why would it matter if I spread my contributions throughout the year versus loading up in February when I have a large payout? Could you share a math example?
Posted by: Seattle | January 05, 2006 at 11:37 AM
Please disregard my previous comment. I worked out the numbers in a spreadsheet and I see how that works. That is an excellent point - something I've never considered in the past. I will definitely spread my 401k contributions out throughout the year to maximize the employer match. Thanks for sharing the tip!
Posted by: Seattle | January 05, 2006 at 01:00 PM