Just wanted to introduce everyone to a new site (and advertiser here at FMF): MortgageLoan.com. As you might imagine, it's a place where you can find a mortgage loan. (The name kind of says that, huh?) Here's what the site says about itself:
Since 1995, Mortgageloan.com has served consumers who search for the best mortgage loans, refinancing and home equity loans across the nation. We know that lenders compete for your home loan. Get the lowest rates!
Anyway, stop by and check it out. If you like it (or not), come back here and let us all know what you think with a comment.
Mortgageloan.com is a great site. I know because I'm listed on there as a broker for Georgia. We help people with first home purchases, debt consolidation, taking out a home improvement loan, or a simple rate in term refinance.
I highly recommend homebuyers read the articles on Mortgageloan.com prior to making a decision. It really helps inform the folks I speak with.
Posted by: Mike | August 08, 2007 at 05:44 PM