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February 13, 2006


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There are also lots of ways that you can save money on babies. (since your tips above mostly pertain to older kids-except the clothes. I don't think my kids own much of anything that was bought new unless it was a gift!)

#1 Breastfeeding of course saves tons of money over formula

#2 you can make your own wet wipes for a fraction of the cost

#3 make your own babyfood-which is cheaper, pretty convenient (you just steam veggies or fruits, blenderize it, and freeze in icecube trays) and way healthier because it doesn't have any fillers or additives

#4 don't overbuy toys. For the first 2 years of each child's life we didn't buy them almost anything for christmas. #1, they were so small they couldn't tell the difference anyway, and #2 they got so much stuff from relatives that it was ridiculous. As they get older we have bought a few more things, but we try hard not to go overboard

Interesting. I would estimate that our own expenses for 7 - count 'em - 7 children, ages 19 months to 12 years, run roughly:

$350/month for food/non food grocery items (including toiletries, diapers, etc.) This is rather more than 50% of what we spend monthly. Being small people, the children are much smaller eaters than hubby and I, and use far less of the disposable products as well - maybe since their bodies are smaller. Except the one in diapers: those run $25/month but are included in our monthly grocery, and she doesn't use her share of the toilet paper :)

$50/month for clothes and shoes, most purchased secondhand.

$140/month health and dental insurance. This is the difference between a family rate and a couple rate.

$120/month in additional medical/dental bills. This includes births.

$200/month in extra gas and maintennance, due to driving the larger-than-average family vehicle required by our larger-than-average family.

$210/month: this represents 30% of our monthly mortgage and utilites, since we would likely have a somewhat smaller home without children. Actually, this is only true in theory. Our current home, which we are building with our own 18 hands, *is* small by most standards, and our utilities are very reasonable.

$50/month in homeschooling expenses. Actually, much of this is used to buy books that Hubby and I enjoy as well. But we'll tack the bill on the children.

$1000/year for birthdays and Christmas. This varies a lot, and is a rather generous estimate. But hey, we're generous people, right?

sooo...grand total for annual support on all 7 children...


So it appears we're raising 7 for the price of 1. I guess we can afford #8. That's good news, since s(he) is due to arrive in a few months.

Great article, and really good comment. My wife and I just found out we're expecting, and I'm trying get as much info as possible on how to keep the costs down.

Thanks for the help!

Congrats!!!! That's great!!!!

I'll have a few more pieces on this topic in the next week or so, so be sure to come back.

Shopping at discount and bulk food stores can really help. :) (We generally save 60% or more on all groceries)

Those figures are grotesquely unrealistic. I've seen them before, and they always make me laugh because they are so obviously counting unnecessary things.

Kids are simply not this expensive. We've never made more than fifty thousand a year in our lives, and we have seven, four of whom were teens at the same time (currently we have three teens and two just out of their teens, and two who are still quite young) and no, we're not on Welfare.

"Ask most parents and they would say they're glad to pay the costs for the joy that their kids give them."

The joy that their kids give them? So THAT is the primary reason to have children? When people view children through the lens of cost-benefit to themselves it's no wonder that so many people choose to have a pet that they treat like a child.

What about the benefit of your genes living on another generation? What about the benefit of another person being able to experience life (unless you think life is not worth living - in which case why are you still here?)

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