Here's a recent experience my wife and I had that I thought you would find interesting. It's a bit long, but I wanted to include all the background for perspective.
We live in Michigan, the land where winter never ends, so if you want to keep in shape you have to have some sort of indoor workout routine for at least part of the year (unless you're one of the crazies who runs/bikes in the snow and ice). Therefore, you need to either belong to an exercise club or have some workout option at home.
We have a treadmill at home and I cycle in the summer, but I have tried various elliptical machines while traveling and we considered either joining a club to use several (then maybe deciding to buy one) or just buying one outright. My plan was to use it to workout in the winter and cross train in the summer. However, we didn't know which model/style we would like, so we were leaning towards the club option.
I checked out various clubs and found one I liked. It had all the machines I wanted to try, was close to my house, and only cost $400 for a year. We did check out elliptical machines just to compare. We tend to spend on the upper end when it comes to exercise equipment (we paid $2,000 for our treadmill five years ago, have used it 4-8 times per week since then and it still looks and runs like new), so we were looking at $1,500 to $2,500 for a new elliptical. It was just too much.
So as we were ready to join the club, a friend of ours gave us their elliptical (money saving tip: Before making a big purchase, tell your friends what you're doing -- they may have one to give you/sell at a good price. That's what happened here.) Anyway, their machine was on the looooooow end (probably was $150 at Wal-mart) and was kind of flimsy, but it worked and it was free so we took it.
I worked out on it 10 times or so and my wife added another few times before it broke. It just couldn't handle the stress of actually being used. I looked into getting it fixed, but it just wasn't worth putting money into a questionable machine. So, we were back in the same place we started -- joining the club.
A few days later we found ourselves in Sears. My wife went to get some things and I took the kids to the Sears playland -- also known as the exercise department. My kids love to climb on the ellipticals, treadmills, etc. It's almost as good as Disney World! ;-)
While there, I saw a machine that was like the one we had broken, except this one was well-built. I hopped on and liked it. It was solid, quiet, relatively small, and on sale for $300 ($100 off the regular price). My wife showed up later and we decided to buy the machine. We added the three-year service package (they'll come to your house to make any repair for three years, once a year they'll come out for a service check up, and if you have three problems with it within a year, they give you a new one). We declined the delivery and assembly options. Total cost: $400 for an elliptical that was guaranteed to work for three years. It was a great deal when compared to the options (remember, the club was $400 for only one year -- and it wasn't as convenient as something in my basement!).
I picked the machine up at Sears the next day (they have this cool system where you walk in, scan your receipt, and your name, item, and time waiting are displayed on a big screen TV). I waited four minutes for two high-school-aged kids to come out with my machine and load it into my truck. Smooth as silk.
When I got home, I noticed that the box said "this side up" and the kids hadn't put that side up. So I righted the box, then my wife and I carried it downstairs. I then spent three hours or so putting it together.
Once I got it all together, I got on and tried it and found that something was rubbing on the inside (the device that allows the pedals to turn). I tried to see what the problem was, but I couldn't figure it out. Dang!
My wife called the next Monday, and Sears agreed to send out a repairman, though it wouldn't be until Friday -- almost a week later. And they wouldn't give us a time he'd be there other than "between 8 am and 5 pm". Translation: my wife was stuck at home all day that day (she tried to call them on Friday to get a better read on the time they would arrive, and they wouldn't give her one.)
When the repairman got there, he said there was nothing he could do -- the inside was out of alignment (my guess is that either the incorrect loading into my truck or incorrect storage at Sears was the reason for the problem). My wife said she would call Sears and ask for a replacement. The repair guy said they would ask her to take the machine back, bring a new one home, and put it back together ourselves since we hadn't paid for delivery or assembly. My wife said that the problem was with the machine and that they should come and fix it or deliver a new one and assemble it since it was their responsibility to make sure the product worked. All the repair guy said was, "Good luck with that idea, you'll need it."
My wife called Sears and initially, they said just what the repairman said -- bring it in and we'll give you a new one (unassembled). My wife said that we had already picked up one, put it together (costing us a bunch of time), and it didn't work. She noted that it wasn't our fault that it was broken and stated that Sears had an obligation to make it right without it being a major hassle for the customer.
The conversation when back and forth a bit until my wife got to the next level of management. This manager saw the issue and said that Sears would make it right. They would deliver a new one, put it together, and remove the old one. Now THAT"S customer service!!
The next day they called and said they didn't have our model in stock -- they were all out and couldn't get any more. They wondered if we would mind if they upgraded us to the next highest model for FREE. Oh yeah, baby, now we're talkin'!!!!! We politely accepted. ;-)
Last Wednesday, Sears came to our house (this time, they gave us a two-hour time period that they'd show up in and they did), dropped off the new, upgraded elliptical, and picked up the old machine. My wife then had to call to set up someone to come out and assemble it (that's still pending as I write this).
All this to say: Sears gets it when it comes to customer service. Taking care of the customer in this way is what I expect from a company I do business with and I'll shop at Sears in the future even more because I know how they handle problems. This stands in stark contrast to how many companies handle customer service -- I'll be telling you about my Target nightmare in a future post -- and I respect and recommend Sears as a result.
Update: It didn't turn out well. See this link for details.
Let me start by saying that I really enjoy visiting your site. (ok, brown nosing aside....)
I had to comment on this one as I have had bad luck with Sears service in the past, and it seems like you had a somewhat similar experience, and are calling it good service. I couldn't find out the exact timeline of your story, but it seems like you purchased this machine about two or three weeks ago, and you still don't have an assembled working machine in your house yet. You've had to spend a lot of time going back and forth with Sears to get the problem resolved, and it is STILL not resolved. Why wouldn't they send the guy to assemble it with the delivery?
Our similar experience was with a dryer. When it was delivered, we were told that there was a small dent in the back of the dryer that was cosmetic and wouldn't be a problem with the function of the dryer. We accepted it slightly discounted for the "cosmetic" damage. A few weeks later, the dryer was not working. We called out for service, and they told us that the drum was damaged (from that "cosmetic" dent). We got the runaround from Sears for three or four weeks before we got someone that told us that we needed to bring in our receipt to Sears and schedule them to deliver a new one. So we did that the next day and it was another week or so before we could get it delivered. Long story short (too late) we were out a dryer for 1-2 months with a NEW dryer from Sears.
I don't mean to ramble on, but I would warn you not to count your chickens before you're actually USING your new elliptical machine..... GOOD LUCK with your Sears "service"
Posted by: john | February 20, 2006 at 01:04 PM
John --
For me, I just like the fact that Sears backed up their product. It's what a retailer is supposed to do which is in stark contrast to an experience I had with Target during the same time frame. (I'll be posting on that next week, I hope).
I do not yet have the ellipitical assembled (I could have done it myself this weekend, but I was busy) and rest assured, I'm tracking the situation. I'm giving them this week to get it set up to maintain my satisfaction. Otherwise, you'll be seeing a post titled "Sears Blows it". ;-)
Posted by: FMF | February 20, 2006 at 01:22 PM
I had bought a pair of front struts for my Nissan Altima 2002at the Sears located at Valley Stream N.Y 11581. I was informed was that these unit were lifetime warrantied.
About 6 month after I started hearing noise coming from these struts,took it back to the auto center ,and was told that they could not find the problem, within about 3 weeks time I took my car back again ,they eventually told me then thatmy steering rack was giving the knocking noise ,I took the car to my auto shop ,and they found no such problem.
Took it back again and related what the auto shop had told me,they eventually check it and found 1 of the struts was bad and i was told that it would have to ordered,as it was not in stock at the time,I was told to return in one week time for the replacement.
When I went back, I was told by a Rep that the strut was never ordered and I had to return the following week (this was totally a waste of my time).
On returning the following week they had the struts but on checkin the car ,found that there was something loose in the suspension.
1 month later start hearing the same noise again,took it back again ,on checkin the car they said that a link was bad, had that replace,still the same noise,took it back ,they said that there was no problem found,took it to my auto shop to have it check,and was told that the strut was indeed bad.
Took it back to Sears, they told me that my tires were bad, I replace all 4 tires,the same problem.
Took it back,was told that my ball joint was bad,By this time I am just spending money because these people (Sears Auto) just would not change the damn strut.
I eventually bought a (used) ball joint assembly (which at the dealer was $350.00 which was more than the 2 struts would have cost me installed at Sears)
had that replaced with the same result (NOISE STILL)took the car back yesterday.
they tested it and told me that my linkage on the strut was bad,I told the tech (I HAD PREVIOUSLY REPLACE IT),upon evulating the struts ,he eventually found that one of the struts to be not as firm as the other.
He reported his findings to the manager (MR HAVIER).The manager told the tech that my control arm was replaced and that my car was probably involve in an accident or something ,an that he would not entertain replacing any strut,because of the used part which I install.
I just took my car out of that place,and am going to have the both struts install at the dealer.
Now you tell me what kind of service is that???????????????
Posted by: desmond | March 19, 2006 at 09:24 AM
NEVER & I MEAN NEVER buy a lawn tractor from sears. I will give you the play by play on my experience with this company (if that's what you call it).
1. Rear tire sidewall fails & eggs out. 15 days after purchase. Called service dept for in home waranty work. Got run around from rep wanting me to replace the tire as it would be 2 weeks before an appt can be scheduled. I waited for the appt. Took 1/2 day off work as had to be present when tech was there. Tech calls me before arriving in middle of service window & says he has to order tire. So I wasted a 1/2 day of vacation.
2. When he does show up 2 weeks later after ordering tire. He calls & say he can't get bead to seat & will have to take tire to shop to mount & won't have it done until tomorrow. He returns next day with mounted tire on all scratched up rim. Rim is damaged due to working on it on driveway surface, unprotected. Said he had to put tube in it to seat bead on new tire. BS he did not know how to seat the bead. Low pressure tires will cut valve stems. Rim is trashed.
3. Argued with tech's supervisor regarding tube & parts view show tube so tube must be right.......WRONG. rim is still trashed.
4. Negotiated with supervisor after this for a new rim & I will handle the remounting....OK rim shows up in grey......NOT white as on the tractor.
5. Called supervisor & left 2 messages..unreturned calls. Finally after another 2 weeks get ahold of supervisor & discuss the grey rim...get a return call in my voice mail & informs me all replacement rims are grey & thats the way it is.
6. I call the supervisor & leave message to a cell phone that has been shut off (intentionally ??) saying this is unacceptable & have not gotten the coutesy of a return call.
7. Top it was bought on a 12 month no interest deal & their credit company bills me for interest.
DO NOT BUY FROM THESE PEOPLE. If I knew now I would have spent the extra $100 & bought the JD.
Posted by: Steve | June 30, 2006 at 10:09 PM
Sears is not that great!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I bought a Pressure washer in May 2005 & within 2 months had it back in for repair. I used it only twice last year & stored it away inside my house to make sure it would not freeze. I did not think to take it out in May this year to check it out. In July I took it out & no pressure at all. They told me over & over my warantee expired & I said I understand but have only used it twice. After a number of phone calls , the Cust. Relations dept. gave me a $200.00 coupon towards the repair. Now they are telling me it will cost $243.00 to replace the pump. The whole thing only cost $239.00. The pump is $125.00 & they are charging $118.00 for fixing it. This will cost me another $50.00 with tax to get it back. I have already spent $239.00 to buy it. What if I had been a regular customer without a coupon. How idiotic is it to tell someone it will cost more to fix than it will to buy another one. They also do not make the weedeaters they sell anymore, they are made by Ryobi & are not anygood anymore. Signed , a lost Sears customer forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Rick | August 17, 2006 at 09:02 PM
Rick doesn't know what he is talking about ryobi doesn't make their own weedeaters. Most weedeaters are eather made by MTD or Electrolux. also everything these days is made on a assembly line rather than whittled from wood.
Posted by: Chris | January 02, 2007 at 01:00 AM
I will never EVER suppor tsears. aprently i was told by the national customer hotline they dont need customers like me tha tpend 700 dolalrs on tires. The are fraud about their extra cost tire warranty, i will laugh when they go bankrupt. Im 20 years old and will make sure EVERyone i know family, friends, aquantinces will never buy form sears again.
Posted by: Jeffrey Cahrlotte nc | July 26, 2007 at 02:00 PM