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March 28, 2006


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Automatic savings and contributions are a procrastinator’s best friend :)

I yearn for the day I have the income (or so few expenses, or both) to fully fund my 401(k).

there are things to consider about how much you should contribute to your 401K. If you are absolutely sure that you are going to have diminishing income when you get older, by all mean yes, maximize it. But if you are one of the lucky American that have an ever increasing income stream, then maximize your 401K could be a bad thing. It pays, however, always maximize your ROTH IRA.

Assuming you're not locked out of the Roth by income limits. ;-)

If you are locked out of a Roth IRA because of income limits, then you are either not maximizing your tax strategy, or you are extremely well off. $150K a year, for a married couple, is considerable. If you have a good tax strategy, you could have much more actual income, but still fall under stand threshold.


Dus 10, what do you mean by good tax strategy? How can you have "much more actual income" and fall below the threshold?

you mean most people don't make over 150K a year?


just kidding. There are many ways to reduce your earned income. That's the key. Shift more income to non-earned income category you should do fine.

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