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April 27, 2006


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I know one thing - I am glad to start saving for retirement early! I like the idea of saving enough now, so that you can downsize your career into something less time-consuming, and something that you really love to do. I can imagine my "post-retirement" job may be on the golf course...Great post.

I expect to have a post-retirement career as well, but I was hoping to spend most of it at non-profit organizations for no pay. Fortunately, I'm only 28 and already have the habits & savings in place that should allow retirement in my mid-50's, even if my inflation-adjusted annual expenditures double between now and then. The only thing I'm really worried about being able to afford is health care. One more thing to motivate me to get out of bed and get my 5 mile run in every morning now!

I agree with the previous two commenters. The thing I get from the Money article is the importance of starting early. 50 years old with savings of about $60K? That's a big hole to dig out of. I was surprised that retirement at 62 was even possible given that starting point.

What's unfortunate is that that scenario is pretty typical for many in the baby boom generation.


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