Since I recommended retiring in Panama last week and retiring in style south of the border is one of my regular money saving tips, I thought it was only fair that I put in a pitch for Buenos Aires as well. This piece from Money Central tells why Buenos Aires, Argentina is a great place to retire. Their main points:
There are no restrictions on foreign ownership of property, so it is very easy for a foreigner to buy real estate here.
Buenos Aires is a cosmopolitan, genteel and welcoming city, and, if you are at all interested, you should visit it now, while prices (for just about everything) are probably lower than they will ever be again. The Argentines appreciate foreign tourists, particularly foreign investors who will be able to help turn the economy around.
In fact, the only signs of turmoil may be the prices. They are unbelievably low on everything from taxi rides to fine-tooled leather goods, from delicious food (a multicourse lunch at a corner bistro will run less than $5) and world-class wine to -- especially -- real estate.
The piece also talks about Buenos Aires real estate as a possible investment option. It has good, but cheap, real estate due to some recent political turmoil. However, that appears to be behind the country and things seem to be looking up. It could be a good buying opportunity for the right type of person. Check out the piece if you want more information/commentary. And for more general information, check out the Wikipedia entry for Buenos Aires, Argentina.