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August 18, 2006


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I have been scanning (quickly) your topics on retirement / income and notice that most of the postings are about 401k issues. Well, I have already used that option up! I am trying to make a decision on my pension money from the company where I worked for 27 years. I am 60 and only employed part time and have many problems keeping up with things like property taxes and utilities plus I need some fairly expensive repairs done to my home and property. My options for the pension money are lump sum and monthly checks. I am really worried about what to do and have concerns that my family (a mother and a sister) will not get any of the money if something happens to me because the beneficiary rules on the plan. Can you shed some light on this dark view?

Karen --

I'll post your question next week for my readers to comment on. I'm sure they'll give you some great suggestions!

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