Here are a few tips that Smart Money listed as part of their piece on how to save $100 a month. Today, we'll talk about their list of saving on household bills. Their suggestions:
- Shop around. Use consumer web sites such as, or, to see how much you could save on everything from your local and long distance phone service to cable and web access.
- Cancel services you're not using. Save $10.95 a month by ditching one premium channel or $36 a month by downgrading to a basic plan.
- Dump your land line. Consider dropping your local and long-distance plans and use just your cellphone instead.
- Reduce energy costs by as much as 30% using Energy Star appliances and adding insulation.
Not much new here, but these are good reminders of easy ways to save some extra money. Here's what I've had to say in the past on this suggestions in case you'd like more info/details: