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September 07, 2006


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This is excellent advice. If you run a family business it is common to employ children over the age of 14. They learn some responsibility and the money is taxed at a much lower rate. A parent who already provides well for their children may make the executive decision to direct a portion of the child's earnings into a Roth IRA. It's a pretty good strategy.

The numbers seemed WAY off, then I saw "and earning 11%"

11% is so far from realistic this article should be deleted

I get a bit irritated with this type of article, that talks about the power of compounding as far as savings balances, but uses an unrealistic rate of return and doesn't talk about the power of compounding when it comes to inflation. At a modest 3%/year inflation rate, to buy what $1 does today will require $4.38 in 50 years when your teen is thinking of retiring.

That said, a Roth IRA is not a bad idea, provided they won't decide to raid the account before actually retiring.

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