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November 06, 2006


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I'm a bit puzzled as to how the MSN article came up with their numbers, supposedly from the Federal Reserve Board's 2004 Survey of Consumer Finances. The FRB document has different age groupings (eq. 45-54) than what are given in the article.

I've left the link to the FRB that has the original document (click on "Mike" below). There's other interesting data in that document.

There are many people that still have secure defined benefit plans and thus do not have to save much, even though it is becoming more the exception than the rule. The value of these can dwarf the savings of those not endowed with them. I think a lot of defined contributers will find themselves envious. Alas, few have the option, and even if they do it may not be secure.

My net worth is above the median for my age range, after spending virtually my entire life with extremely poor fiscal skills. That's just... sad, actually, that so many younger people are in that bad of financial shape.

This might sound like a silly question :) Are these household figures? I'm married, so should I divide my household net worth by two before making the comparison?

10% of my age range. The category above me I'm in the 25% almost top 10%, great considering we only started saving last year.

almost at top 25% of age group, but at the bottom of it agewise, so I've got some wiggle room. AND I don't live on the coast, so my house is not a huge part of my total net worth (ie, net worth = actual $ for the most part).

If you add in the value of my defined pension plan, and the income property I'll inherit someday, I'm solidly in the top 25%, closing in on top 10. But not counting THOSE eggs before they hatch, if you know what I mean.

Would these number be a good gauge for family net worth, or personal net worth only? If the later, what would be a good method of gauging family net worth?

I believe the net worth figures are for HOUSEHOLDS, not individuals.

Are these real statistics? I'm having a hard time believing these median networths are as low as stated...

it doesn't matter how much you have... you need to consider how much you spend!

According to the US census, 13.2% of the population was in poverty in 2008 ( If 13.2% of the population is in poverty, is it really that difficult to believe that 36.8% has a net worth of less than 86k?

Well, given that my net worth is currently in the negatives, I'm definitely below where I would want to be, when it comes to net worth. Hopefully, by taking advantage of the education that (most) of the debt I've accumulated has helped me to get, by the time I get to age 39 from my current 29, I'll be back at (or far above) that $44,200 median net worth.

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