At the beginning of the year I committed to several money-related resolutions and promised to track my progress on Free Money Finance. So far, I've posted updates at the end of the following months:
- January 2006
- February 2006
- March 2006
- April 2006
- May 2006
- June 2006
- July 2006
- August 2006
- September 2006
This is my update for the month ending October 2006.
First, here's a list of the completed resolutions so far this year:
- Investment Review
- Earn Extra Income
- Complete Taxes
- Budgeting
- Retirement Number
- Get Spouse Up-to-Date on Finances
- Insurance Inventory
- Credit Check-ups
Here are the ones I'm still working on/made progress on this month:
- Net Worth -- The S&P 500 was up 3.15% in October, another healthy gain. I was up almost as much as my net worth went up 2.83% for the month. I'm now up 12.40% for the year and on track to be up 15.6% this year. Just three months ago, I wasn't doing that well, but then the market started to take off and it's been a great time since. I hope it keeps up!
- Giving -- We continued our giving to several projects this month per our budget.
- Fully Fund 401k -- It happens automatically every month!
- Sort Out College Savings -- My wife and I talked this issue over in detail one night. Since then, we've set our college savings number (what we want to have saved by the time our kids get into college) and how we're going to get there.
- Update Will -- No progress made in this area this month.
- Blog Goals -- October was my best month to date from a traffic standpoint (my next two were this past August and September), so things are still headed in the right direction and I'm still on track to hit my mid- to high-level numbers.
We're closing in on the end of the year and I have only one resolution left -- updating our wills. We'll see if I can get that one done and make it 100% for 2006.
You should have a comment contest and the winner gets written into your will!
Posted by: Binary Dollar | November 08, 2006 at 10:09 AM
That's a great idea. I'd like to be written in as the benficiary of your book collection.
Posted by: Eric G. | November 08, 2006 at 11:26 AM