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November 01, 2006


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Seems like this mortgage should be against the law. You will never own your home these days. Even win you paid every last dime in owning your home another mortgage comes out. The mortgage company always wins. I only hope when I'm 62 I will have enough savings to not participate in mortgages like this.

Another mortgage I hate is negative amortization loans...aarrgh:( Again with these loans make it almost impossible for you to own your home.

I agree with moneymonk, the only way to buy a house in this day and age seems to be to either have rich parents or to plan ahead when you are 16. A huge savings account or a hand out is really the only way that first time buyers are able to get their foot on the ladder.

Its ridiculous that people are going to have to work well into their 60's just to pay for their home.

Lets get our basics right..."A reverse mortgage is a loan that allows homeowners who are 62 years and older to convert the equity in their homes into additional income. This can allow a way for seniors to improve their quality of life and stay in their homes. The proceeds can be used for any purpose - whether it's day-to-day living expenses, remodeling, or traveling."

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