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February 28, 2007


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25: 12 Mistakes to Avoid With Your Retirement Savings Plan
27: I Do Not Use Credit Cards
28: Solving Customer Service Problems
(A very close call. If the opposition hadn't made the "low expenses = better fund" error, he'd have won my vote)
29: A Step-by-Step Guide to Reducing Debt on an Irregular Income

(rest are bye or no preference)

25. 12 Mistakes to Avoid With Your Retirement Savings Plan
26. My greatest Investment
27. I Do Not Use Credit Cards
28. Solving Customer Service Problems
29. 10% Compounding Myth
30. Dave Ramsey is Flawed
31. Reasons why You Should Not Save for Retirement
32. Winter Wonderland

25. 12 Mistakes to Avoid With Your Retirement Savings Plan
26. My Greatest Investment
27. I Do Not Use Credit Cards
28. Solving Customer Service Problems
29. How to Beat the 10% Compounding Myth
30. Why Dave Ramsey's "Drive Free" Theory May Be Flawed
31. Reasons why you should not save for retirement
32. Walking In A Winter Wonderland for $1,300

25. 12 mistakes to Avoid
26. My greatest investment - bye
27. I do not use CC
28. 401k for beginners
29. 10% compounding myth
30. Dave Ramsey flawed math
31. reason to not save for retirement
32. winter wonderland

My votes for non bye games:

25. No vote since couldn't get allocation post.
27. Dollar Cost Averaging
28 401K
29 tie
31. Retirement

Game 25 12 Mistakes to Avoid With Your Retirement Savings Plan

Game 26 -bye-

Game 27 I Do Not Use Credit Cards

Game 28 Solving Customer Service Problems

Game 29 How to Beat the 10% Compounding Myth

Game 30 -bye-

Game 31 Reasons why you should not save for retirement

Game 32 -bye-

25: 12 mistakes to avoid with your retirement savings plan
27: I do not use credit cards
28: 401k for beginners
29: A step-by-step guide to reducing debt on an irregular income
31: Reasons why you should not save for retirement

25. Create an Allocation
26. My Greatest Investment
27. I Do Not Use Credit Cards
28. Solving Customer Service Problems
29. How to Beat the 10% Compounding Myth
30. Why Dave Ramsey's "Drive Free" Theory May Be Flawed
31. Reasons why you should not save for retirement
32. Walking In A Winter Wonderland for $1,300

I am sort of curious as to why the Allocation post isn't getting any love. I do like the 12 retirement points, but I find that a lot of them are common sense (albeit intelligent) points that are not that difficult to remember or follow.

On the other hand, creating a fair and diversified allocation is absolutely CRITICAL to investing success and FAR too few people do it. People don't even know what an allocation IS! That post is critical to increasing net worth in the long term.

Finally, I also think the 10% compounding myth post is fantastic. It is a pervasive problem in personal finance blogs/discussions nowadays and should be addressed! Should be a landslide for that one.

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