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February 28, 2007


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I'm going to go with cash for car. It is short, it is sweet, and it is probably the personal finance move that will make the biggest difference for most people.

I have to stay with Why I Pay Cash for My Car. It is short, makes sense and very practical. The other one is long and the 31 steps seemed overwhelming especially to take place all in one month. Just my two cents...

My vote is for 31 Days. I like the detail and I think its a must read for beginners looking for some direction.

31 days because I think it's a great read for people getting started in personal finance. Messed up or not.

While I agree that Pay Cash is short, sweet and offers a great suggestion, I think the 31 Days post provides a wealth of tips and the outline for an entire financial strategy so I give the edge to 31 Days.

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