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February 26, 2007


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I'm so glad my wife and I talked about money (and sex) before we got married. It can still be uncomfortable to talk about from time to time as we don't always see eye to eye on things. But it has certainly made the transition of being married much smoother!

What, no pictures?

Having been married for just over 6 months, neither issue has led to very many arguments in my household. We sorted out our money issues a year to a year and a half ago after she moved in with me and we began looking for a house. We knew that after we got married that we would only have one income for a few years, and wanted a place to live that we could afford without needing to worry. I handle all of our financial responsibilities, because (a) I actually have an interest in it, and (b) she is in her first year of law school and doesn't really have the spare time, especially since I am able to take care of everything for her. I still discuss with her how much we have coming in and going out each month so that she has an idea of what's going on, though. The few larger expenses that we have had to make so far we have talked about before hand, which seems to work out all right.

How do people "refuse to divulge to their spouses their annual income"?

Do they file separate tax returns?

i m married 12 months

Though some may not think so, learning to patch up a relationship and keep it together is a skill that can be learned. I try to help others discover the keys.

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