I've had several people ask what's going on with my Sears elliptical, so I thought I'd give you all an update. For those of you wondering what I'm talking about, start with Elliptical Wars: My On-going Struggle with Sears and click through the links at the bottom of each post to follow the action.
My last update was on September 19 when things seemed to be going at least "ok." We actually used the machine for a few weeks after that with some success. It worked, we liked it, and all was well. Then it started to rub. The wheel in the back has some sort of rubbing sound going on during use. Then the handles started to separate and "clack" again. So, exhausted from the on-going repairs, calls, waiting for servicemen to show up, etc., we did the most logical thing we could think of -- we went back to our treadmill.
This transition was meant to be for a couple months until we got through the holidays, but Christmas brought on a whole new development in our exercising habits: we got a Playstation 2, our first family gaming system. (It took my son and me four years to convince my wife to let us have one.) Anyway, I found out quickly that I could play the Playstation while walking the treadmill but not while using the elliptical. Besides, the elliptical was rubbing and clacking, so who wanted to use it anyway. Therefore, I moved on -- walking an hour four times a day while leading the Indianapolis Colts to another Super Bowl on Madden 2007. (By the way, playing video games makes your exercise time got by VERY quickly.)
My wife tried to use the elliptical a few more times (she's not the video game type), but the rubbing and clacking was just too much. She put it on her list to call Sears, but it was basketball season for my son, we were leading a class at church, and on and on -- basically, we just didn't have time to follow-up.
At this point, I'm not sure what we'll do. The machine doesn't work, but at some point we just need to move on. I still will never buy any exercise equipment at Sears (or anything of value if I can help it -- we've had good luck with Kenmore and Craftsman stuff in the past, but do I want to give my business to a company that doesn't take care of its customer? Not really.) And I've learned my lesson -- to always (I usually do this) consult Consumer reports before making a big purchase and buy for value (where price and quality meet) versus just for price.
Write up a summary and send it to consumerist.com. Then load up the elliptical, head to Sears, and dump it in their showroom. Then go home and forget about it.
Actually, I can't recall if you ever escalated to Sears corporate, but you should try to get in touch with customer relations at the executive level.
Posted by: fivecentnickel.com | April 24, 2007 at 08:31 PM
And here's an update on my elliptical. It was a higher-priced model purchased from Sears at about the same time as yours - but I'm maintaining mine myself. It gets fairly constant use by two average adults.
So far, I've replaced three broken bolts. I think one shipped broken, but the other two were from use. There is what appears to me to be a design flaw in the axle where the flywheel can shift to one side. It needs a constant supply of grease to keep it anywhere near quiet. Oh yeah, and I've had a an adjustment bolt freeze up twice. Due to the design flaw, the belt seems to be wearing prematurely and is off-center on one pulley. The pulse monitor no longer is accurate.
The parts cost me about 10 bucks, for blue loc-tite, a few nuts and bolts, and an old tube of front-end lube.
Three good things though: the parts diagram is listed online (that's great for repairs) and the bearings haven't blown yet. I suspect they use maintenance-free sealed bicycle bearings - but just because they're probably cheaper than anything else they could reasonably use. And the electronics still mostly works except for the pulse monitor.
If I weren't doing the repair work myself, I'd have tossed this thing in the trash - or raised a stink with Sears. It's obviously intended to work for only a short amount of time before it becomes a clothes hanger.
Still, if you can repair it yourself, it's not a bad deal when compared with a $5000 model.
Posted by: lorax | April 24, 2007 at 09:13 PM
I think Consumer Reports liked the Precor model--built like a tank, and about as expensive. My parents bought a Precor treadmill over a decade ago and it's still going strong (with on and off use).
If you have access to a pickup truck, I'd suggest displaying the elliptical prominently in the back, dragging tin cans from the bumper, and displaying signage about your lemon elliptical glider and pathetic customer service, while driving through the parking lot of the Sears store. Might not get anything done to fix it (I'd demand a refund at this point), but it would be a great stress reliever.
Posted by: segfault | April 24, 2007 at 10:12 PM
I thought it was just me. I didn't buy an elliptical, I bought a stationary bike. To start with I paid for assembly, but when they delivered it the guys just dumped the big box with the dissambled bike on my floor and took off. I tried chasing them down but they rudely informed me they wouldn't be assembling anything.
After several disgruntled calls to Sears, I ended up having to assemble it myself. Now -- I am not mechanically inclined. And I was all alone, trying to lift heavy bike parts. During which I dropped the main chassis and couldn't get certain screws to tighten right.
Now of course I hate the bike. It doesn't even ride like the floor model. And I think I messed something up when I dropped that chassis -- there is a grinding noise sometimes. Plus the thing shakes horribly if I take it up to any amount of speed beyond slow amble.
I don't even want to try Sears again. I just want it GONE -- problem? I live on the third floor of a walk up apartment and I can't even move this thing 6 inches without a lot of trouble. I'm going to have to con some guys into hauling this thing off for me.
Posted by: db | April 25, 2007 at 03:45 AM
Exercise equipment is something I'd never skimp out on. Pay the extra money and get the brands that fitness facilities use, like LifeFitness from a specialty store. Buying used is an option too (preferably from a private seller, since it won't be nearly as used as a club piece), but you must be careful and try it out at least once for a long workout before buying.
Posted by: Investoid | April 25, 2007 at 09:08 AM