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May 15, 2007


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In other words, 70% of couples agreed on what age to retire, and what their lifestyle would be like!

I'm not surprised that 39% of couples could not say where their retirement was coming from. Typically 1 person handles the bulk of the investments and finances.

Also this is a Fidelity Investments survey...did they survey their own customers? In that case, these numbers may be higher than usual, as customers of Fidelity would have a better grasp of their investments than the general population.

I would say that there is not always a lot more agreement as you get older. I see more divorces in the 50 to 65 range. I hope it is not a sign of the times

I definitely wonder how the age groups might have skewed the results. How many young couples know where their retirement income will come from, or exactly when they'll retire? I know my husband and I have some vague ideas, but really, we don't really know what we'll be doing in 10 years, nevermind 40 or 50 years from now.

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