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May 09, 2007


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I had a well respected broker friend ask me for a fake CPA letter. I was not impressed. (I am a CPA). I wouldn't touch that with a 10-foot pole and am even more glad today that I didn't. But yes, even the most honest, well-meaning broker just might give in to these tactics. I really trust this guy and don't think he is a bad guy overall, but he found it easy to justify. I think he asked me to stretch the truth on a common client as well - that they had been in business for a full 2 years. I think in his case it was more truth stretching than rampant lying, and he truly made sure in general his clients didn't get in over their heads - he was not a big subprime or ARM loan pusher. BUT all the same, in the name of commissions he clearly was easily able to blur the line of ethics. In the midst of good times, people forget how risky a new business is, etc. To him what was not a big deal really could have been putting his clients at risk.

I can only imagine how rampant this must have been at the subprime level.

Really interesting story. I'm sure things were a lot worse than this, but even the above mentioned fraud is enough to land someone in jail.

Good thing you didn't provide a fake CPA letter, especially since the broker is the only one who really profits from it!

"Brokers we spoke with would ask for maximum rebates up to 3.5% or more of the loan amount, often stuffing borrowers who couldn’t afford their rent into million dollars homes. Usually by way of option-arms which carried 1% minimum payments and negative amortization."

This is criminal and these bastards should be jailed. I have been in the mortgage biz for 20 years, and it really pisses me off to see the cocky young ex cell phone sales guys sticking it to the consumer and earning 4 points rebate.

On the other hand, consumers have been gambling with cheap money on bigger and bigger homes, hoping for big windfall profits. Let's not feel to sorry for those who pretend that they really believed that 1% rate was fixed for 30 years. That's wishful thinking at best.

"Brokers we spoke with would ask for maximum rebates up to 3.5% or more of the loan amount, often stuffing borrowers who couldn’t afford their rent into million dollars homes. Usually by way of option-arms which carried 1% minimum payments and negative amortization."

This is criminal and these bastards should be jailed. I have been in the mortgage biz for 20 years, and it really pisses me off to see the cocky young ex cell phone sales guys sticking it to the consumer and earning 4 points rebate.

On the other hand, consumers have been gambling with cheap money on bigger and bigger homes, hoping for big windfall profits. Let's not feel to sorry for those who pretend that they really believed that 1% rate was fixed for 30 years. That's wishful thinking at best.


AND, unfortunately for people like me we'll assume you're guilty by association. I walked away from one of those slick talkers and the mortgage he was trying to sell me because as much as I hate looking at numbers, I knew he was getting me into a situation I didn't fully understand or like.

(I'm simple that way -- I understand the concepts of 20% down and fixed term mortgages -- when they start doing lots of gyrations to get me to be able to afford the house they've already lost me because it's way too complex for me to anticipate the negative implications. Or at least that is my mindset. At least I know my weakness and so I guard myself from making a bad decision.)

Anyway, now I'm scared off of thinking mortgage brokers are going to be honest with me and look out for my interests.


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