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« Net Worth Review: May 2007 (Two Great Months in a Row!!!!!!!) | Main | Hedge Inflation Risk with Hard Assets »

June 12, 2007


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I'm not counting on any wealth being passed on from either of my parents. And even if there were any left over it would have to be split several ways.

On the other hand, I don't know about supporting them financially if they run out of money. I don't like the sound of it, I suppose if push came to shove I'd have to fork out. But I'd probably lecture them on fiscal responsibility given half the chance ;)

Still, I'd rather they were costing me money than dead.

That is a great point for people to remember.

My parents have about $1MM right now. They will be retiring within a couple years. They will be able to do ok spending just $30k a year. But, if the market turns down and they have large healthcare expenses, this could drop to 0 in a heartbeat. I'm helping to manage it so it just ends up being positive.

No one is "fiscally responsible" enough to provide against the costs of a health catastrophe in old age on an ordinary middle-class income in the U.S., and these costs are only rising. I'm a little boggled that there's anyone out there who hasn't grasped that.

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