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June 15, 2007


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I don't think you can really be too risky in the first few years of investing. After that investing in index funds with a large percentage of your savings can be the best way to go for a long time.

Savings that is too conservative makes me cringe. My parents have a $40k account that earns less than .25%. They refuse to do an online savings account. I tried to explain that they are losing due to inflation to no avail.

So, curious....

I'm seeking to begin investing in the future with the money GOD HAS ENTRUSTED me with (seeing that it's not really MY MONEY) and I was wondering how to practicaly go about it.

I work a job where I get payed $10 an hour for a total of 3 hours a night, 5 days a week....and I also work another job where I get paid $8 dollars an hour working 3-4 hours 5 days a week as well. If I have a paycheck of about $360 a month (or at least every 3 weeks), how much should I be saving (add to that I wish to be a generous giver with it and tithe as well....)

Love to hear feedback. Blessings....

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