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June 22, 2007


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I haven't used this myself, but my boss has used it mutiple times to pick up a cheap lease from someone who doesn't want a particular car anymore. It seems to be a great way to save money for any lease.

I'm not a leaser myself. But, if I were, it seems this would be a good way to save money.

I looked around the website and there doesn't really seem to be any good deals on leases. Even if you save money by not having to put a down payment, all of the vehicles there have insanely high monthly payments which are much higher than if you were to lease the car directly from the manufacturer. (like I'm talking at least $100 more per month, and that seems to be the best deal there.)

When I was stuck in my lease I shopped around the internet looking for lease transfer sites. I didn't list with as I found a more reasonably priced site at one tenth of the cost called I don't believe there was any compromise in service as I was still able to get out of my lease without having to pay a fortune to either the leasing company or In fact, my total exit cost was less than $20 which was the cost of the ad. I would suggest going this route and saving yourself a pile of money.

There's also for drivers to get out of a lease early and for others to take over a car lease transfer. It's a totally free service, free to list and free to contact the sellers. There's nothing to lose.

is selling one's vehicle any more cost effective versus transferring the lease thru a company such as "swapalease'

I am moving from europe to the us in January. As I have no credit history I will not be able to lease a car despite being on a very good salary. Would I be able to take over a lease with circa 10 mths to go in spite of that, even willing to pay 10 months of lease payments upfront. Any thoughts appreciated

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