Think you'd like to work into "retirement" but aren't sure what you'd like to do? Never fear -- US News has made it easy for you by naming the top ten jobs for the 60-plus set. Their list:
- Fundraiser
- Angel investor
- Geriatric care manager
- Mediator
- Politician
- Personal coach
- Seller of senior-oriented items
- Home-based entrepreneur
- Celebrant
- Board member
Most of these are jobs I'd consider. I think geriatric care manager and politician are best left to others, but I think I could enjoy the other eight.
How about you? Any jobs here you think you'd like during the later years of your life?
I am 53, and have gained 6 solid years in (unpaid) geriatric care management, with both my mother and my MIL in assisted living facilities. Now, both are becoming increasingly demented, so I guess I'm shifting into Alzheimer's patient care management. Or patient advocacy, however you want to term it.
By the time they don't need me anymore, I'm not sure I'll be willing to embrace this work for its earnings potential. It's exhausting and a labor of love. But I feel confident I could succeed in this field with the knowledge I've gained.
Posted by: Katy Raymond | June 21, 2007 at 10:07 PM