As you might imagine, I get a lot of comments on my posts about tithing. And, as you can imagine as well, many of them are not in favor of it.
One such post (Tithe or Pay Off Debt -- Which One Should You Do First?) has recently seen quite a few comments opposing the notion of tithing. And in one of the most recent comments, one person remarked:
"I am kind of curious why you aren't answering these here."
He was referring to why I wasn't answering several comments point by point. I responded to his question there, but also wanted to post it here in case others were wondering the same thing. I'll use what I commented on that post as an outline (in red), but will provide a bit more here (in black).
Here are my reasons for not responding in depth to many comments (and regarding tithing in particular in this case):
1. I already have responded to these issues -- they are just in other posts. That's why I tell people to read all I've said on the issue.
As of this writing, I have almost 4,100 posts on Free Money Finance. I've covered a ton of issues from all angles -- investing, saving money, retirement, tithing, and so on. So why do I need to say it all again -- especially when it's clear that the commenter has just read one post, not my complete thoughts on an issue? So I often tell them to simply read the entire category and their question/comment should be addressed. I've already covered it -- why do so again?
2. These are weighty issues, and to truly respond, I'd need to write several posts worth of commentary. If I responded to all comments like that on this blog, I'd never have time to post an article. And besides, I've already covered it (see point #1.)
To respond completely to many comments (especially those on the issue of tithing), I'd need to pull together a ton of scripture, thoughts, and so on, then write them out in a complete response. I simply don't have the time to do this. What I do have the time to do is write posts on the issue, and since I've already addressed the comments in past posts, I point them to read what I've written previously.
3. Most people commenting on this issue don't really want to know the truth or hear a counter-point. Furthermore, they don't offer their own thoughts (or when they do, they are merely opinions, not backed up by scripture.) They simply want to argue. There's nothing to be gained by engaging them.
This is particularly true for posts involving Christian financial principles (people discussing real estate, investing, estate planning and the like seem much more civil and open to discussion oftentimes.) Why would I want to take time and effort to address someone's particular comment when 1) I've already done so (in previous posts) and 2) it won't do any good anyway?
All this said, I do often respond to comments, but they are usually just a few quick thoughts that might fill in the blanks for people. My responses above are mostly intended for comments that would require a serious amount of time and attention just to respond to one thought.
At the end of my response to this person, I also made the following offer -- which I extend to all of you reading this as well:
If anyone who reads this post wants to write a piece on what they think the Bible says about giving (using scripture as proof) and email it to me, I'll review it. If it is well-done (it has to be well-written and logical, it does NOT need to agree with my point of view), I'll post it as a main post on a Sunday and let readers comment on it.
Well said
Posted by: Dan D | June 10, 2007 at 02:19 PM
I will take you up on this offer.
Posted by: Rocketc | June 10, 2007 at 09:36 PM
"Tithe" literally means "tenth"...(according to Strong's Dictionary". I forget the number of times, but the Bible clearly repeates itself that first fruits go to his kingdom...that being 10%.
Like most of your posters I used to interpet the Bible how I wanted to in order to fit it into my budget. And honestly, once I committed to 10% gross and got our household budget in line, tithing has never been easier.
a few passages:
Hebrews 7:2: "and Abraham gave him a tenth of everything"
Hebrews 7:4: "Just think how great he was: Even the patriarch Abraham gave him a tenth of the plunder!"
Remember it is the Lords money not yours and you get 90%!
Posted by: Ryan | July 09, 2007 at 10:36 AM