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June 20, 2007


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I have all of those above. But I will add free time to do what I want when I want

Health and financial security
An interesting job
A home that fits me
Books and reading in general
Time to travel

More or less in that order.

I would put financial independence above any job. It is much easier to get than a good job too.

Time for my family

Really, that's pretty much it for me. If I'm healthy and I have time for my family, that's going to make me rich. That's not to say I wouldn't love financial security, a nice home with a backyard for the kids to play in, etc., but I could be happy with just those two.

Emotional Happiness
Sense of security
Hobbies (Travels, Books, Sports)

Good health (which I'll never take for granted again after having cancer)
A place to live where I feel like I'm part of a community
Interests (reading, singing, bushwalking)
Free time
Financial security

One of the most important things I've ever learned is that time is more valuable than money.

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