An article I saved from Money magazine's August 2006 issue lists the response people gave to the question of what gives them the most pleasure. Want to guess what's on the list? Surprising (or maybe not so surprising) was the fact that money-related items weren't the only ones on the list. In fact, they were rather scarce. Here's what people said made up the good life for them (with the percent of people naming each items listed as well):
- Good health -- 84%
- A home you own -- 60%
- Children -- 48%
- An interesting job -- 46%
- Free and leisure time -- 36%
- A yard or garden -- 22%
- A luxury or second car -- 19%
- The latest electronic gadgets -- 19%
Interesting, huh?
I've long written that there are many things more important than money and this survey agrees. That said, I would still include money somewhere in the list of what makes for a pleasurable life. Here are some things I'd include on my list:
- My faith
- Good health
- My family
- A great job
- Financial security
- Interesting hobbies
So, what would be on your list of what makes up the good life?
I have all of those above. But I will add free time to do what I want when I want
Posted by: Moneymonk | June 20, 2007 at 11:36 AM
Health and financial security
An interesting job
A home that fits me
Books and reading in general
Time to travel
More or less in that order.
Posted by: plonkee | June 20, 2007 at 12:32 PM
I would put financial independence above any job. It is much easier to get than a good job too.
Posted by: Lord | June 20, 2007 at 02:13 PM
Time for my family
Really, that's pretty much it for me. If I'm healthy and I have time for my family, that's going to make me rich. That's not to say I wouldn't love financial security, a nice home with a backyard for the kids to play in, etc., but I could be happy with just those two.
Posted by: FamilyFinanceBlog | June 20, 2007 at 02:51 PM
Emotional Happiness
Sense of security
Hobbies (Travels, Books, Sports)
Posted by: Lin | June 20, 2007 at 03:35 PM
Good health (which I'll never take for granted again after having cancer)
A place to live where I feel like I'm part of a community
Interests (reading, singing, bushwalking)
Free time
Financial security
One of the most important things I've ever learned is that time is more valuable than money.
Posted by: Carmen | June 21, 2007 at 07:19 PM