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July 05, 2007


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What a ridiculous thing to say! Cut expenses and apply the difference to your debt. An expletive acronym jumps to mind, but I'll be nice: how much do you realistically expect someone earning minimum wage (and already making debt payments) to cut from their spending?

10% of their paycheck, to start Minimum Wage. If you have to get a cheaper apartment, a cheaper car, so be it. If you have to eat nothing but vegetables and rice, that's what you do. If you don't eat out for 2 years, don't go to the movies, or have cable TV (someone earning minimum wage shouldn't be watching TV anyway, they should be reading and educating themselves; despite popular belief you don't need to pay a university thousands of dollars to become educated)...that's what you do! You know what's cheap to live in? A trailer. You do it until you get out of debt, rebuild your financial health and start making your money work for you.

By the time you get out of debt and have yourself back on track, even a minimum wage earner should have increased their income (with putting all the extra into paying debt) either becoming a supervisor or manager or whatever, unless they are too lazy to get promoted.


I seriously doubt he'll take any of your advice. He told me on another post that he quit a better paying job at McD's because he didn't like it. If he's not willing to do the work...

I agree with the post. Debt settlement is not for everyeone. People who are stuck in a lot of debt but would rather avoid going bankrupt fall into the category of people who qualify for settlement. Just as any other debt relief situation you should be a good consumer and really check out the company and make sure that it is reputable. Always check the BBB and if the settlement company is a law firm then make sure they have good standing in the bar association of their state.

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