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August 15, 2007


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sounds good. send me a copy.

I'm in.

sure what the heck

I'm in, too! :) The more I receive in free giveaways, the less I'll be spending that I could be saving/giving/etc. :)

Entering this drawing too -- thanks.

I'm in too!

I'm in!! I'm in major need of some financial renewal. I just moved to the big city and now to redo my budgetting plus continue to work on all my goals!! Please pick me!!!

count me in.

This is exactly why I love to visit your website!!! Not just for the free giveaways (although I love them), but to gain knowledge about personal finance. Pick me please!!!

freee boook?

This book will really comes in handy. Great site, wonderful articles! Keep it up.

I would love a copy of this book for my wife. She is constantly complaining about the banks we deal with - random fees and sketchy practices. Please put my name in the hat.


As someone who is becoming more financially saavy, I think this would be a great book to have!

I wouldn't mind taking a gander!

Mmmmmm... Ebooks... tasty. :)

I too want to become more financially savy so anything that I can read to learn more will help.. (that's why I read these posts everyday!)

Free rules. Count me in.

I love ebooks!

bring it on...

Count me in

Thanks for the offer and the blog.

what a blog! great advice and an opportunity for an ebook.

PICK me, PLease


Not to be a freeloader, but I'd LOVE a book.

as far as money goes, i have just one word to say.....HELP!!!!!, and i can use all the help i can get!

I'm in.

This is great...I need all the help I can get. Thanks for the chance.

lol at all the people posting because they want a free book


This has nothing to do with banks. However, I was wondering what your take on a pension is. I purused your site and only saw items refering to 401(k) and IRA's. Here's my question. Would you suggest taking a pension as a lump sum if you believe the company you work for is not doing well?

Yes, please. Love the web site.

Thanks for your site. I like to visit each week to learn something new.

Funny thing about finance blog followers - they love the free stuff!!

Jeremy --

I'll cover this in a future blog post. Stay tuned.

Awesome... I'm In for the E-book!

A free e-book... nice! :)

woohoo! i'm in! pick me!!

I Like reading your posts. You are doing a great job!

I would certainly like to know all those bank secrets. There's much to gain from that knowledge. Thanks

Once again, great site, love the Biblical references, and keep up the good work!


I'll never reveal my banking secrets... but I'd like to see what the book has to say!

This giveaway is now closed. The winners are:

Scott -- posted at 2:49 pm on the 15th
Cherly -- posted at 2:57 pm on the 15th
Cory -- posted at 4:29 pm on the 15th
Reto -- posted at 8:21 pm on the 15th
Fred -- posted at 2:28 pm on the 16th


Winners, please email me (see: ) and we'll arrange to get you your ebook.

Damn... ;(

The comments to this entry are closed.

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