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August 22, 2007


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Entering drawing!

Win win win!

I'll keep trying.

Please enter me again.

Thank you.

Please enter me again.

I'm interested in buying a deteriorated property and demolishing before building. Is that covered in the book?

Lucky #7

I hope =)

Trying again...

me again

One more time!

42. That's the answer.

Fingers crossed.


I'm back to try again!

I'm a winner!!

I hope i'm the winner

Looking to be a winner today

Comment says, "Any."

Entering the contest

Sure seems like an interesting book.

and Again

Timmy asks; I'm interested in buying a deteriorated property and demolishing before building. Is that covered in the book?
Posted by: Timmy T. | August 22, 2007 at 09:00 AM
Carl, author of the book says, yes! Chapter 9.

I concur with Justin
He knows where his towel is.

Trying again!

when will i win??

would love this one for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

trying again.

Another day, another chance!

Entering the drawing - might as well, though I'd buy the book, too! :)

Trying again!

Go Cubs!

Trying again to win an interesting book!

We are building a new home and I would like to know just as much as my contractor if that is possible. This is why I would like to win.

Don't the odds have to be shifting in my favor? I'll take a book!

here we go

one more time.


This giveaway is now closed. The winner is Matt G. who posted at 4:45 pm yesterday. Congrats!

Matt, please email me (see: ) and we'll arrange to get you your book.

To the rest of you, stay tuned. I still have plenty of copies to give away!

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