Though I am amongst the most jaded people I know (relatively little surprises me these days), I was taken aback at this piece that illustrates the lengths gamblers will go to in order to win some money:
Compulsive gamblers sometimes wear adult diapers to avoid having to leave a slot machine or gaming table where they expect a payoff, the experts say.
If they don't come prepared, they sometimes "just pee in the seat," said Arnie Wexler, a recovered gambling addict who operates a gambling hot line and counseling service in New Jersey. "It's not something the industry really likes to talk about."
Wexler said all the major casinos have "seat changers" – a cleanup crew that removes soiled chairs and replaces its cushions. "I'm not sure the little casinos all have it, but it's not an uncommon thing in the gambling industry at all," he said.
Gamblers who become addicted enter a trance-like state where even basic hygiene habits are ignored, said Carol O'Hare, executive director of the Nevada Council on Problem Gambling.
Their reasoning is so impaired by the addiction that they may go for hours and days without eating or showering, O'Hare said. In some cases, such gamblers have told counselors later that they've relieved themselves to keep from losing their seat at the slot machine, she said.
I'm speechless.
uh huh.
at the casino in our city (the largest in sthrn hempishpere) they change the CARPET every 6 weeks.
Posted by: brent | September 01, 2007 at 06:17 AM
Oh, dear Lord. I come from a family of compulsive gamblers, but I did not know about this. I concentrate on keeping myself out of casinos, except to lose a pre-determined $10 on a cruise boat. That was my limit. I may have gotten "wet," but if so I would have blamed the ocean or the swimming pool, know.
Posted by: Katy Raymond | September 01, 2007 at 08:45 AM
That's just nasty! Another reason to stay out of casinos!
Posted by: Lynnae @ Being Frugal | September 01, 2007 at 11:50 AM
EEEWWWW. Yuck! I'm glad I don't find gambling appealing.
Posted by: mysticaltyger | September 01, 2007 at 04:40 PM
This must be the week of TMI (too much information). I'll never think of either a casino or a public mens room in quite the same way. :-/
Posted by: SteveK | September 01, 2007 at 06:29 PM
gross, but c'mon. There's a reason they call it an "addiction" . . . just like the nasty sores you see all over meth heads (and the rotting teeth)... just like the tracks and HIV/AIDS epidemic amongst heroin addicts. Just like the drunken binges and diabolically destructive behavior of drunks (who also wet themselves in moments of inebriation). . . the nosebleeds of cokeheads. . . etc. Well, all are the earmarks of losing control and self-destruction. It's addiction. By definition, the people have lost all ability to behave rationally and adhere to even the most marginal of standards for personal hygiene. True, it's disgusting, troubling, sick... but, unheard of? Shocking? Surprising? A person has had a pretty sheltered/fortunate life if they've never encountered the lows an addict will go to.
Posted by: cw | September 02, 2007 at 12:52 AM