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November 27, 2007


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I am amazed at the amount of "help" young adults get these days. Call me old fashioned [and jealous] but "help" should end around 25-years of age, assuming the child is a student or still getting their feet wet. I would love to have some handouts, but no one is there.

Folks I know in their mid-20's and beyond still have their cell phone bill taken care of and IN the name of their parents. Car insurance is taken car of, parents give them their down payment on a house, take them on vacations and pay for everything and on and on.

Basically we got millions of pampered 20-somethings running around trying to have it all for free and want people to think they are "stars". What will Generation X's kids look like when they are in their 20's? Wow.

I think I'd like to see that age bracket split into more meaningful divisions. 18-34...well 18 is nearly half of 34. So that's a huge window of time. I'd be curious to see the 18-22 (college) 23-28 (grad school or work) and 29-34 (getting the career ramped up.)

@ zook...hey do your friends parents want another kid? They can adopt me : I would love some help, lol.

Whenever I read articles on the costs of raising kids, I take them with a huge grain of salt. I have four kids. The low figure of 338,000 up to the age of 18 comes to about 19,000 per year per child. For four kids, I would be spending about 75,000 per year on my children. I know that I don' spend that much even with an upper middle class income.
If an average family has two children, then most of the average household income goes to raising children.
These figures don't seem right to me. Certainly, it is possible to raise children at far lower costs.

My parents did buy me my first (junker) car, and pay for a large percentage of my college costs. The last help I got from my them was in paying for my wedding when I was 22. I did not expect much help with that, and it was a big surprise that they ended up reimbursing me for most of the cost. My husband and I didn't get any help with our house down payment, but we planned for that.

All that privilege comes with responsibility, though. I am an only child, and my parents are in their late 60s and divorced. My mother is also in poor health. It is my duty to make sure both of my parents are taken care of, and I have a feeling that my mother will be moving in with us by the time I am 35.

I do know several people in their mid-to-late-20s who still live with their parents. That would probably be considered financial help.

I agree with Paul D, those numbers seem quite off to me....

Wow, I wish my parents would have supported me like that!

Thank God, my parents never read this kind of articles. And thank God, my wife and I never read them.

We have 5 children. And no financial regrets at all.

I do agree with what Zook has pointed out, but as he also says, not everyone's children are pampered like that.

My wife and I have already benefited from tremendous returns from our children. From their "no strings attached smiles and hugs" to acting as family solidifiers.

Maybe Business Week should study the cost of the food we eat. They may just conclude that we should just starve ourselves and "save" all that money.

Go on and have children. We are designed to do this, to procreate.

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