On one of my posts some time back, I had a reader leave a comment about a series by Pastor Andy Stanley from North Point Community Church. I had heard Andy preach before and liked him, so when the reader suggested I check out his series titled "How to Be Rich," I just had to see what it was all about. I ended up purchasing the four-part series ($4 total download cost) and listening to them on my iPod. They were GREAT! Here's a summary of the series:
- The series is titled "How to Be Rich" and talks about just that -- how to BE rich. Andy says that every day someone is telling us all how to GET rich, but no one tells us how to act once we are rich. That's the focus of this series.
- The text for the series is 1 Timothy 6:17-19 which reads:
Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.
- Throughout the series, Andy tells people who are rich (more on that in a second) not to feel guilty for it. Instead, we should feel grateful. But we also need to know how to be rich to make the most of our money.
Now here's a look at each part:
- Part 1, Congratulations -- Who is rich? If you live in America, you are. (You're more wealthy than almost all the people in the world.)
- Part 2, Daddy's Money -- Who are you trusting in -- God or your money?
- Part 3, Dollar Cost Living -- We should all be rich in good deeds and be generous and willing to share. We can serve others by investing regular amounts of time at regular intervals (like dollar cost averaging with investments) volunteering to help a whole host of charitable organizations.
- Part 4, Diversify -- Moving your treasure from earth to heaven.
I know, it may sound a bit too "Christian" for many of you reading this today, but really, all the parts other than part 4 are good for people of all different faiths -- as long as you believe we should use at least a portion of our time, talent, and treasure to help others.
Looks like this sermon must have made an impact on the church. They now have a website devoted to the topic and when you click through (I clicked on "North Point" for example), you get a whole list of opportunities on how you can help other people. Seems like the church is doing some good stuff down there.
BTW, in one of the sermons Andy asks people to name the best piece of financial advice they've ever received. Here's his:
There are two kinds of people: those who pay interest and those who make interest. Which one do you want to be?
Pretty good advice in my book.
Check out the series if you're interested in how to be rich. It's worth your time.
Is an Ameircan with negative net worth really more wealthy than almost all the people in the world?
Posted by: Merry Christmas | December 23, 2007 at 07:55 AM
The series sounds interesting, but what surprises me is that the pastor is charging people to download it.
Posted by: Betsy | December 23, 2007 at 07:59 AM
You can listen or watch any of these messages for free, but if you want to download the message you have to pay for it. This seems pretty reasonable to me. Especially since they put no limits on reusing their intellectual property once you have paid for it. Andy Stanley is one of the best speakers in the county (Christian or otherwise) and it is a steal to download him speaking for the same price you get your music from itunes.
Posted by: The Saving Freak | December 23, 2007 at 11:03 AM
Outstanding post--thank you.
Posted by: Mrs.W | December 23, 2007 at 12:04 PM
"Is an American with negative net worth really more wealthy than almost all the people in the world?"
This is an interesting question, but I still believe the answer is yes. It is important to remember not all assets are strictly financial.
American citizenship is very valuable in itself. Our poorest citizens are given free food, free housing, free medical care, and even spending money. Citizens who are unable or unwilling to work have access to these funds and enjoy essentials like running water, but also luxuries like heated housing, air conditioning, refrigerated food storage, telephones, televisions, and even computers with internet access.
Posted by: Aaron Stroud | December 24, 2007 at 03:09 AM
Aaron summed it up quite well. In this country even our poor are well fed when compared to the poor in, say, most African nations. Through our current entitlement system many who are among our poorest not because of disabilities but because of bad situations and (sometimes) bad choices are encouraged to stay poor. They are encouraged to lower their self esteem and drink at the teet of mother welfare.
I like the OT Biblical view of how to help with the poor. The community did help out but they didn't just give free handouts. In the various instructions that you can find in the mosaic books you see the rules for how to harvest your field. Basically the landowners would not go for everything, they would leave parts of their crops unharvested for the poor to harvest for themselves. Also if they were to drop the harvest while gathering it they would leave it, again for the poor to "harvest". That important subtle notion helps preserve self respect and self confidence.
I am not saying that our poor are all a bunch of losers. I am not saying that everyone on welfare should not be. What I am saying is that the current system does not help those who could work if they were helped to get to that point, it doesn't help subsequent generations. The reason you see "socio-economic" problems is because of a vicious cycle. You see children of welfare recipients making similar choices in life or ending up in similar situations. Part of this reason is because the current welfare system doesn't really have an incentive not to.
Now again I am not trying to paint with a wide brush and I am most certainly not talking about every case but imagine if we had a system that encouraged people to get off of it. Mandatory job skills training, job aptitude testing, financial assistance with child care for single parents while they receive education (that is assisted either outright or with 0% interest rate loans) and then acclimate to a career. Pick careers that are in need (nursing in some areas, for example) and that a person shows an aptitude to. Guide them towards it and set up benchmarks or milestones. If the milestones are not met (certain GPA, certain timing on repayment, number of hours worked eventually, etc.) the dole is cut. Tough love, yes, but what you end up getting is someone who can sit back at the end of it all and say "Hey! I am doing something with my life!!! Everyone told me I was supposed to be a burden and a leech but now I am contributing!"... You do this and they have pride and self worth, their children have pride and self worth and they are going to choose to work hard and not allow a gang to tell them that "you are nothing, so you might as well become part of our "brotherhood" and join up and help sell drugs".
I think allowing churches (regardless of faith or denomination.. I am a christian and while I know from scripture that there is only one way I also know that we are a free nation and that other faiths still do "help" people in the temporal, worldly sense of the world) and civic organizations to help contribue to this system and to help administer the system would also help ensure that pride and self worth are an important part.
Posted by: Mike W | December 24, 2007 at 10:25 AM
I also like the story of the sparrows in the Bible.. Most of us know it. Not really a story, just a comment. Jesus was talking to someone (I believe it was Jesus speaking) and he was basically saying (this is the Mike W paraphrase version) God ensures they are fed and takes care of them. We are his children, imagine how much more he'll take care of us.
I heard a graet commentary on this once. Maybe it was David Jeromiah. You ever see a sparrow? Jesus Himself told us that God cares for them. That means they can sit in their nest, sleep in all day and manna will appear each morning to give them food, right?
No! They are out every single day waking up way before I do searching hard for their food, pruning or building nests and providing for their young. The majority of their days are spent working for food.
Posted by: Mike W | December 24, 2007 at 11:01 AM