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December 03, 2007


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I go the route of giving gift cards, usually to somewhere generic like Best Buy, Walmart, or Starbucks.

But I think it's sad we as a society have come to the point where we must give people gifts, or we're thought of as uncaring or even rebellious. I don't know if anyone has read "The Five Love Languages." Some people definitely do accept love as receiving gifts. For these, giving gifts for Christmas, and even year-round, is a good thing, and it's probably even easy to determine what they want. But many other people, myself included, couldn't care less about receiving gifts (Christmas is more than just gimme, gimme, gimme, after all). For these, other love languages, like quality time or physical touch, is more important. But how exactly do you give "quality time" for Christmas, especially without being seen as "being cheap" by others?

This is why I don't like Christmas.

A couple more: 1) A photo of you (& loved ones) in a nice frame. My wife and I are giving an 8x10 to my grandmother this year because she doesn't want any "stuff" and the picture she has of us is 4+ years old. 2) Movie tickets for the movie lover - although I guess this could fall under the Event Tickets above.

Rick: I would say that it's all in the attitude, give gifts for others that want to receive them, but throw in a "coupon book" that you make up. Fill it with things like spending time together, events, etc (like "1 meal alone together cooked by me" for a significant other). That way when you give them something, it's really for both of you, and something you get to "spend" more than just Christmas morning.

I love Christmas, but I really don't care too much about getting, sure presents are nice and I do enjoy them. Even more though, I love to get other people gifts, spend time at the mall/stores looking around, brainstorming, and just thinking about what my loved ones would like. What they could use, what frivolous thing the might enjoy. Helping them decorate is fun too!

I've been reading several posts about magazine subscriptions as one of the christmas presents. And I love the thought of it. I'm a fond reader of various magazines esp. about fashion.

I think it is also the cheapest gift with the thought of love and apperciation. Btw, I also love to have a personalized calendar... =) nivce list, anyways!

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