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January 13, 2008


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I appreciate your committment to the principles found in the Bible. Thanks,


Keep up the posts. I really enjoy your blog on every day. I am finally making efforts to improve my finances and I am also trying to strengthen my Walk at the same time. This blog is awesome for me because it gives varying positions on things I am contemplating (mortgage paydown or more into IRA/401, etc.) it is also great because on Sunday I can see a post or two from a Biblical perspective which is vitally important. I would hate to gain financial independence, security and prosper while giving up on the most important part of my life (my Walk with Christ). The Sunday posts are just one more reminder or kick in the seat about this.

Anyway thank you and I really love this blog so far.

I think you should write what you want to write. This blog isn't a school-assigned essay, it's your thoughts and opinions.

However, I think maybe the reason why you get some of the dissent is because you've asked for people's they're giving their opinions.

Not all will be in agreement with you (I've been guilty here) but I agree that people should be civil on the topic (and I hope that I've been!)

Great post-keep it up! My wife & I made several commitments for 2008...
1) Grow stronger financially 2) Grow stronger physically 3) Grow stronger spiritualy

On your blog, I can go 2/3... Now I just need to figure out how to browse FMF whilst on the treadmill, and then I'm set!! :)

Keep it up. Keep telling your readers what you're doing and, every now and then, repeat this post to tell them why.

I enjoy reading your blog because it does a great job of covering both personal and finances. We all have our own mindset when approaching money. I appreciate your insights. Thanks!

I think all people, not only Christians, can learn a great deal from the Biblical verses regarding money. I also believe the other Spiritual scripts contain wisdom regarding money that people of all faiths can find beneficial. Rather than get upset at a Biblical or spiritual reference, folks should look at the message and determine if they can implement it to benefit themselves.

I don't appreciate your religeo-financial approach. I really have to assess whether I can stomach your piety in order to read the financial stuff. Maybe I'll search for a secular financial blog that concentrates on reality.

I actually look forward to the Sunday posts, even though I'm atheist. I don't always agree with you, or even find all of them sparking a great interest. When they do interest me, I enjoy commenting, and am appreciative of the generally friendly welcome that is given. And you haven't persuaded me to convert yet ;) .

I definitely appreciate your blog, especially your Sunday comments. I also appreciate that you won't be bullied into keeping your beliefs to yourself. Keep up the good work.

@Alfie -

I think that was the negativity FMF was referring to. "Maybe I'll search for a secular financial blog that concentrates on reality". Even if you say that Christianity is not reality, 1 out of 30 posts is about the Bible and money, the other 29 are on Personal Finance. I would say 96.7% could be considered "concentrating".

That is what is so great about this nation. You don't have to read any blog you don't want to read ;)

And FMF I guess from plonkee's comment you need to add an invitation to one of these posts ;) (kidding mostly)

See ya, Alfie!

Keep up the good work, FMF!
Your blog rocks.

You shouldn't have to make any excuses for writing about faith & finance. The two are definitely related. Essential to the Christian faith is the Lordship of Christ over EVERY area of life (finance too!).

Besides, God considers finance an important topic. Otherwise he wouldn't have included so much about it in the Bible. Bottom line: how you handle money speaks volumes about what is most important in your life.

Blog on!


Great blog seven days a week. Thank you for not giving in to the pressure. May 2008 be a blessed year for you.

Well, the rest of us don't want to suffer your self-righteous indignation and close-minded intolerance to others' right to speak freely about their religious beliefs.

Blog on, brother.

"I don't appreciate your religeo-financial approach. I really have to assess whether I can stomach your piety in order to read the financial stuff."

Maybe you should see a doctor. A hyper-sensitive stomach can be an indicator of a number of health problems.

How intolerant does one have to be in order to have problems stomaching the expression any beliefs that diverge from their own?

Your blog is the cake.
The Biblical perspectives,
sweet welcome icing.

Your blog is the cake.
The Biblical perspectives,
sweet welcome icing.

It still amazes me that people can write stuff like what Alfie did and believe they are being rational.

If one is truly open to reality, one isn't afraid to "test everything and hold onto what is true". People seem to forget that just because some Christians live their Christianity in a way that amounts more to a moralism or an ideology, so too do many non-Christians live their lack of faith.

But those of us truly willing to engage reality, with all its surprises and unexpected turns, we tend to get along just fine, even between those who are Christian and those who are not.

FMF, keep up the good work. Personally, I think it's a healthy antidote to the obvious temptation that comes from blogging about money every day: the temptation to reduce the meaning of life down to financial terms.

Bless you all for tolerating me so well.

For a reason that's unclear to me, Alfie is continuing his self-pity party over at my blog Rethinking Economics rather than responding here. Apparently we have progressed to that wonderful point in the conversation where, after pointing out the problems with Alfie's comments, he resorts to calling us parochial and narrow-minded.

Why is it that the people who have concluded there is no God always so angry and spend so much energy trying to prove the matter to the rest of us (or is it to themselves?). It seems the exact opposite of evangelism. The Christian, like most humans who have found something truly beautiful and good, seek to share what they found with others because the Christian realizes that it wasn't something meant just for him but for all of humanity. Alfie seems to have found something so ugly and hateful and he won't rest until everyone shares in his misery.


Jack --

So you're saying you owe me one since I sent you a reader? ;-)

Jack, you should be thanking me for posting at your blog. Apparently it's the only activity since October of 07.

Anyway, I can't believe I have to explain this... but the reason I posted there is that my message was only a response to you. Not to anyone else. Your post was parochial. No one else's really compared. And this most recent post of yours is far worse. Scary stuff, Jack.

FMF, in great contrast, is rising above it all with humor and dignity. Thank you for that.

I really appreciate your blog and especially the practical application of biblical principles! Please be encouraged and keep these Sunday posts coming!


You may be interested in a extensive series on Christian principles on money called "Managing Your Money" originally given as a Sunday school class and ongoing as seminars in Philadelphia. Free Audio of the class is available here: (scroll down)

"This series of messages presents a Christian perspective of personal finances and practical steps to managing your money in a Christian household. Understanding God’s financial plan for person’s life and living within the parameters of this plan can seem overwhelming. This class explores Biblical principles on personal finances. Specific tools will be introduced that individuals can adapt to their personal situation so they can live comfortably within these principles."

Introduction and OT teachings
Testament teaching on money
Understanding God’s Financial Plan for Your Life – A foundation for making financial and lifestyle choices
The Beauty of Giving
Practical Steps for Managing Family Finances
Insights for Making Wise Financial Decisions Part I - Practical advice on purchasing cars, food, etc.
Insights for Making Wise Financial Decisions Part II - Practical advice on purchasing clothing, insurance, entertainment/recreation, etc.
The Biblical View of Debt and Debt Free Living Part 1 - Biblical principles of borrowing and lending and steps for recovering from excessive debt.
A Christian Perspective of Investment Strategies - The role of immediate and long-term strategies as well as retirement planning and strategies.
Ethics and Money: Their Impact Upon the Believer and the World
The Biblical View of Debt and Debt Free Living Part 2

There is also a resources page with online resources, book listings, spreadsheets, planning tools, etc:

Please take advantage, and let us know what you think!

Good article and interesting comments. One comment in particular caught my attention--that somehow biblical ideas about money and reality were somehow incompatible.

I have read widely and taught a lot of classes about becoming personally successful with money. I have also done a study of what the Bible teaches about money. Reality in financial matters and biblical teachings about financial issues are strikingly equivalent.



Your blog is very nice & beautiful.
Thank you.

Speaking as an atheist, your Sunday articles are a great read, and I don't mean that in a smart-alecky or condescending way.

I like looking at issues from as many perspectives as possible, and I certainly appreciate yours.


Thanks, Kevin. I appreciate your comments.

I think that a strong belief in what you are doing - for any reason motivates you.

The idea that giving is a self centered thing is not new. I see no reason to disagree with you no matter what the religious leanings are of the reader. A variety of religions encourage supporting the faith, which comes down to treasures in heaven.

Even if someone is atheistic, part of what we learn about what it is to be a good person involves helping others. Charitable giving is a good outlet for this tenet.

And, as per the Christian belief that everything you do for good you do in my name, and that salvation is free. I think that can be interpreted to reaping the benefits of salvation no matter what.

I see no down side to giving (time, money, goods, etc.). It reminds us that others have less, that we should be thankful, and it is a good thing to do regardless of religious beliefs. All of us are helped in our lives by others (mentoring, advice, gifts, etc.).

Just found your blog doing some Bible research. Don't worry about the small stuff. It will be over soon and we will never have to hear any of this again. We'll have done our job and they can have this world just the way they like it. Keep kicking it out. Following you on Twitter.

Hi! I really like your blog specially your post on Bible and Money. I hope you will continue posting this kind of article.

Sounds like a reasonable plan, and seeing as you are still writing these posts in 2011, I guess you weren't kidding about that whole 'not running out of things to say for a long time' thing. It's always nice to get a variety of views on how to handle money and finances, and certainly using the Bible as a source of information and inspiration can prove quite useful. I'll have to catch up on all your Biblically based thoughts, and see if I retained much information from my Sunday School days.

I just found you blog and am enjoying it so far. Keep representing for Christ and blessing us with information on faith and finances.

This is YOUR blog. Somebody doesn't like it, thinks its too "Christian" oh well... they don't have to read it. So sorry to hear it though. I am a Christian. I listen to non Christian (aka secular) financial advice all day. But I am wise enough to separate the meet from the fat. I consider the source, take what will benefit me a move on. No need to get mad and spew anger. I really feel sorry for those persons who are troubled by seeing Christianity even mentioned. The devil is busy...

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