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« Let the Rich Man Go | Main | Free Money Finance March Madness, Round 1, Posts 25-32 »

March 02, 2008


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Game 9 - vote goest to Discipline
game 10 - vote goes to Million
game 11 - Dollars
game 12 - Late


9 - Discipline
10 - Million
11 - Dollars
12 - Late

Game 9 - Discipline
Game 10 - Million
Game 11 - Payday
Game 12 - Unplugging

Game 9 - Discipline
Game 10 - Million
Game 11- Dollars
Game 12 - Late

Game 9 - Discipline
Game 10 - Pareto (I was an econ major - can't help but vote for this one!)
Game 11 - Dollars
Game 12 - Late

Game 9: Discipline
Game 10: Million (close call; I would have put Dollars vs. Pareto since they're talking about the same essential concept)
Game 11: Dollars
game 12: Late

Game 9 - Fed
Game 10 - Million
Game 11 - Dollars
Game 12 - Late

9: Fed
10: Pareto
11: Dollars
12: Late

I'm a little biased so I'm voting for my post from Christian Finance Blog!
9. Fed
10. Million
11. Dollars
12. Late

Game 9 - Discipline
Game 10 - Million
Game 11 - Dollars
Game 12 - Late

Game 9: Discipline
Game 10: Million
Game 11: Payday
Game 12: Late

fed, million, payday, late


Game 9 - Discipline
Game 10 - Million
Game 11 - Payday
Game 12 - Unplugging

Game 9 - Discipline
Game 10 - Million
Game 11- Dollars
Game 12 - Late

game 9: Fed
game 10: Pareto
game 11: Dollars
game 12: Late

1. Discipline
2. Pareto
3. Dollars
4. Unplugged

9 - Discipline
10 - Million
11 - Dollars
12 - Late

1. Discipline
2. Million
3. Dollars
4. Late

1: Discipline
2: Million
3: Dollars
4: Late

9. Discipline
10. Million
11. Dollars
12. Unplugging

9. FED
10. Pareto
11. Dollars
12. Late

9: Discipline
10: Million
11: Dollars
12: Late

Voting for this round is over. The winners are:

9 - Discipline
10 - Million
11 - Dollars
12 - Late

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