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March 13, 2008


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One thing seemed to be overlooked. A healthy mentality and compassionate character precedes the act of giving. So the fact that the people who give live longer, may not be 100% due to the act of giving. It's probably because of the healthy mentality and compassion they have that spill into other areas in their lives, allowing positive change for both themselves and others. They are also likely to be more responsible people to know to take care of themselves and people they care.

I see Kin's point. FMF, do you know if they took that into consideration in the studies?

Even if what Kin says is true, people who aren't naturally "givers" can still give and I believe the feelings will often follow.

For example, I choose to forgive someone who wronged me, even if I don't feel like it. If I consciously choose to forgive them, and even better, start praying for them, the feelings of forgiveness start to come.

I definitely think forgiving people is a good one. Staying angry at people just leads to stress and we all know how that ends up.

Becky --

No, I don't know. Sorry.

One thing seemed to be overlooked. A healthy mentality and compassionate character precedes the act of giving.

I crave peace and quiet and a good amount of solitude but I seem to be unable to have those things. (Either I am incredibly unlucky or in order to have those things you need more money than I have.)

So I am constantly stressed and don't know how to destress.

It's like a bad negative feedback loop instead of the positive feedback loop that promotes giving and wellness.

One thing seemed to be overlooked. A healthy mentality and compassionate character precedes the act of giving.

I crave peace and quiet and a good amount of solitude but I seem to be unable to have those things. (Either I am incredibly unlucky or in order to have those things you need more money than I have.)

So I am constantly stressed and don't know how to destress.

It's like a bad negative feedback loop instead of the positive feedback loop that promotes giving and wellness.

The More You Give, The More You Receive

Didn't the Beatles say that?

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