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March 07, 2008


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Hi FMF, great post.

Just out of curiosity, have you ever tried your hand a credit card arbitrage?

Kind Regards,


Jonathan --

No. Too much hassle and could mess with my credit rating -- not something I want to do since I'm looking at buying a house.

Hi again FMF - fair enough.

You probably already know about how your Fico score affects the rate you can get on your mortgage, but just in case I just wrote an article about it.



How did you spend nearly thirty-one thousand dollars on your credit card? Do you pay for rent/mortgage with that? It just seems like such a huge number - it's more than our families gross income !!

NYB --

1. All our food.
2. All gas.
3. Various services such as web costs, phone, etc.
4. All business expenses (reimbursed.)
5. Christmas presents.
6. Vacation (we went to Disney this year.)
7. Some charitable giving.
8. Special purchases (I got a new road bike this year.)

See, it can add up!

31k does not sound like a big number. You have to run as much thru the cc as possible. Example, I had a new roof put on this year at 16k - insurance gave me cash while repari was being made, I charged the roof and paid it when the staetment came.

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