For those of you new to Free Money Finance, I post on The Bible and Money every Sunday. Here's why. Today, we have a guest post from Bob Louder from the Ten Talents Club. They offer free Christian finance videos and mini-courses on how to be successful with money God's way.
God's Word contains several absolutely critical financial principles that you must apply to every economic decision you ever make in order to experience joy, peace and financial health.
Let's look at the most important one: wealth.
First, God wants us to remember that all wealth belongs to Him. Psalms 24:1 says, "The earth is the LORD's and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it." He owns it all. The entire material world is His by right of creation.
You and I simply hold a secondary title of ownership, a delegated authority to responsibly use and enjoy what God as entrusted into our care. He is the owner.
Second, when God discusses wealth, He does not mean just money and material things. Why? Because one day we will leave all those things behind. Paul told Timothy in 1 Timothy 6, "...we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it."
It is not the amount of material things you have, their abundance or lack that really matters to God. What matters is your attitude and how you use them. That is, how they are invested, reinvested and put back into the Kingdom of God.
Now, if wealth to God means more than just money (and it does) what else does it mean? To God, wealth includes your time, talents, abilities, skills; your health and family; your salvation and even your work.
You need to remember that it is God who gives you the ability to work and produce wealth. Deuteronomy 1-18 says, "You may say to your self, 'My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.' But remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth." Work is not a punishment. God says work is part of your reward. It is part of your fulfillment. It is part of your wealth.
Third, to me one verse really stands out when we talk about God's definition of wealth. Proverbs 10:22 tells us that "It is the blessing of the Lord that brings wealth, and He adds no trouble to it."
This proverb holds a lot of wisdom. Because it says that it's only through the blessing of God that you can have the material things of life and yet not have the anger, and the frustration, and worry, and fear, and sorrow, and all the rest that often come attached to those material things.
The world can give you material things. I'm sure you know lots of people who have lots of things. However, things are not enough. Most people are still not satisfied. Something is missing, something is still not right. God said, I want to give you my riches...but with no sorrow.
If you want to move to a higher spiritual level in your finances, you must first begin to see through spiritual eyes what you have for so long considered only through worldly eyes. You need to understand and apply this first critical, biblical, economic principle - the principle of wealth. Wealth is so much more than you might imagine, and He owns it all.
Work is not a punishment? Um, Genesis review, anyone?
And what is indefinite menial toil, if not puinishment?
Posted by: Minimum Wage | March 16, 2008 at 10:16 AM
Great post!
Posted by: pete | March 17, 2008 at 11:56 AM
Do you ever stop Mr. Wage?
Really, when is the end of this crap? No really?
Posted by: Zook | March 17, 2008 at 12:35 PM
It's always good to consider what the Bible says.
Posted by: Minimum Wage | March 17, 2008 at 04:10 PM
Work existed before the Fall: tend the garden and keep it! (the oldest profession isn't prostitution, it's agriculture; and the second oldest is security!) Also, be fruitful and multiply. Anyone who thinks that doesn't involve work is seriously misguided.
Our work is how we serve others, and we are co-creators with God. It is a blessing and part of our sanctification.
Endless menial toil, like lifelong monogamy, IS a part of our path to holiness. LOL
Posted by: kentuckyliz | March 17, 2008 at 06:15 PM
Wealth is more than money. This is similar to the statement, is money wealth? the answer is no, it becomes only wealth when it serves a utility purpose. Empirical science will always point out that wealth is indeed more than money because wealth connotes to so many things in this world. Wealth could mean healthy living. This is the reason why one author would point us that there are five aspects in achieving wealth - that is wealth in terms of relationships, spirit, heart, health and of course in terms of financial aspect which includes money. The rationalization why men attain wealth is significantly pointed towards our gratitude and worship towards God. This so because everything in this celestial body in the universe which includes the earth belongs to God. We are merely the stewards of the richly and divine assets which He created. Money is one of the manifestations of wealth but the values and significance of money is still the creation and ownership of God. This is the reason why great authors would tell us that God wants us to be wealthy as He is. He created everything, hence to be poor or lacking in life is the opposite of what God wants us to be. A wealthy individual may not mean having vast amounts of money but may mean having healthy living. It may mean success in terms of career and goals in life or it can even mean having successful family relationships. Among the many researches made it is worthwhile to note that most wealthy individuals in this earth are the most reverend. Their faith towards the Omnipotence is so high that makes them wealthy. As the Christian faith would advocate: " Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." Even Prophet Mohammed would tell us: " Wealth is not having the material things in this world but it is having a contented mind." Even today most of the wealthy individuals in this world would practice philanthropy since they realize that everything in this world is temporary. When in fact, wealthy individuals of the modern world would always resonate that after having so much wealth the only ultimate goal is to help the poor, the needy and the less fortunate n life.
Posted by: Dr. Artfredo C. Abella Ph.D | May 20, 2009 at 10:06 PM