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June 17, 2008


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We do the grocery thing for breakfast on all our trips. Since we are out most of the day, it doesn't make sense to not eat out but on our way back to the room each night, we would stop by a convenience store to buy a yogurt, bagels cream cheese, and fruit and put them in the ice bucket til morning.

We're with Bill, we almost always eat a big breakfast in the hotel that we've grabbed from a local grocer and then skip lunch and just eat out for dinner. It's usually kind of cool to go to the local grocery anyway just to see how they differ from home, especially if it's a foreign trip.

Since we live in a very rural area, with only one grocery store (seriously!) - going to the grocery store when we go on vacation is actually one of my favorite things ABOUT the vacation. And, as a money-nerd, I get to price check the cost of items against the cost of the same items at our home store. Man, I need to get a life... :)

Being able to travel during off peak time is the downside of teaching. I have no choice but to travel during peak times. I always book early and then continue to price check. For my trip to Chicago this summer, the hotel dropped a little over $300 for the week. I paid $25 to cancel my original reservation, but it was well worth it. I netted around $300 back.

I did the offseason thing for my honeymoon this past September. Quite a few people are scared of taking a Gulf of Mexico cruise durning the peak of hurricane season. However, the way we saw it, the boat can always sail somewhere else if the weather gets too rough.

Drop me a line when you come to Chicago!

Michael --

Will do. Looking at September or October at this point.

Don't drink anything other than free water at restaurants if you don't mind. Purchase alcohol from stores and enjoy in your room before going out to eat (if you don't have to drive like in Europe). Use to get discounts at hotels. Stay with friends if possible. Try to camp one day and stay in a nice hotel the next. Alternate very nice accomodations with modest ones that way you will enjoy the difference and appreciate it more. My wife and I have taken some very frugal vacations (she loves to travel) that way.

Only exception I'm thinking about is the Maldives, a trip coming up. Hotels are about $1000 per night (all food included I think) and it's supposed to be just fantastic. So we are budgeting accordingly :-)


Actually, in China at least, booze isn't hugely expensive - and is the safest thing to drink in many places. If you're eating in a hole-in-the-wall restaurant in China, bottled beer or Coke is safer to drink than tea, which may or may not be boiled well. Bottled water won't be free and isn't any cheaper than beer, while Coke is more expensive than either.

But those holes-in-the-wall often have far better and cheaper food than tourist-catering restaurants where everything is clean and workers speak English, so don't pass them up...

Good tips. I travel a lot for work and then some for personal vacation. I am not much of a clothes shopper, but I find it's fun to do more of my clothes shopping at regular stores at my destination. That way, when I pick up a particular sweater, I think of that place. It's not some tacky trinket, but something useful for my life and it is definitely a souvenir that reminds me of my trip.... even if I bought it at Sears.

Also it is even more fun to grocery shop in other destinations. It can be hysterical to see differences in flavors whether in chips or juices.

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