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June 03, 2008


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Are there any other online services like this out there? I mean a 60 page report... how customized is it?

I'd be interested to know if they recommend specific mutual funds (I would imagine they must) and if they're being compensated in any manner beyond the initial $98 fee. I'd be pretty ticked to pay $98 and then get a list of recommended funds . . . all of them being load funds.

eFinPLAN reports are very unique for each user, derived from many specialized questions. Quicken online and Mint are good cash flow management tools, but eFinPLAN provides a comprehensive financial planning report. The only other online company that I am aware of is My Own Financial Plan. Voyant advertises financial planning, but the last time I examined it, it didn’t have reports and it markets financial products and services.

The eFinPLAN report and website markets no insurance or financial products at all, and never receives compensation from any financial company. The investment section is generic: no reference to specific mutual funds.

They offer a 30 day review.....try it out and if you dont like/need it then just get your money back.

This is great. I can definately use this. I hope to win. Thanks

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