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June 30, 2008


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That's a huge difference - terrific!

I buy gas at BJs by us. The price at most stations in my neighborhood is $4.25/gallon and BJs is $4.12 - so it's definitely worth it to go once a week and wait in line (with the engine off of course) for the cheaper gas.

My wife has been riding a bicycle to work ever since I met her. I have started a couple of months ago. So I pay $0.00 for fuel to get back and forth to work. We only use the Jeep every 2 weeks to buy groceries. Loving it.

Want to bet that this is the credit card premium?

Mike --

I paid with a credit card at Costco.

My grocery store has a convenience store next to it. They have a daily discount of 3-9 cents. Plus, if you buy groceries they give discounts up to an additional 15 cents. On Friday evening I did the weekly shopping and the daily discount was up to 15 cents. I filled up at a 30 cent discount, 3.69/gallon.

In my part of the country Costco used to sell gas cheaper, but more recently they are the same as the corner station. In fact I can buy at a corner station, pay cash and get it less than Costco.

The only thing to watch is that if you have a rewards credit card, some of these membership clubs don't allow you to use any old credit card, you have to use a proprietary card. So for examply, my Chase Cash Plus Rewards card that pays 5% back on gas, groceries, and drugstore purchases would not work thier. So in FMF's example, if I pay $4.19 at the outside station and get back 5% cash from my credit card, I really paid $3.98, instead of the $4.01 at Costco.

Ryan --

That's true, but I use Amex Blue at Costco and get 5% back.

Here Costco is among the cheapest but there are other stations that are the same as Costco. Costco typically has a 5-15 minute line of people waiting though.


At the local Sam's club, gas is about 2-3 cents cheaper than the nearby gas stations. I would never go there when I get close to 20 cents a gallon off at Shell with their credit card.

That used to be the spread around here too (Seattle area), but the last 2-3 weeks it's been Costco 5 cents or so cheaper or even. Maybe some hedging backfired?

Always makes me wonder, though . . . is the gas at these discount gas stations of the same quality as regular gas stations? Or are they loaded with silly additives, etc.?

Being from MA, the average price is $4.06 a gallon. One station i drive by is 4.19 (and I've seen actual people getting gas there) and another one I drive by is 3.93.

I've never seen a Costco station, but I used to use either BJs or Stop & Shop when I lived at college.

FMF, that is true only if you first spend $6,500 on the American Express card. Otherwise, you only get back 1% on gas.

Ryan --

Yep. I'm already at the 5% level for this year.

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