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June 30, 2008


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Great - our secret is out!

Soon the entire country will be trading in their Hummers, F-150s and Escalades for Civics and Priuses. Where will it end?!


I have one for you for the frugality file. This weekend, my wife and I went to Lowes to get some paint for a project we were doing in our basement. As we were waiting for our paint to be mixed, I saw several gallons of paint at the end of the counter that had "mistint" written on the lids. Some of them has $5 on the can, some had $1 on the can. I asked my wife if there was anything else that needed painting in the house. She told me that she wanted to paint the extra bedroom again and the color on two gallons of the mistinted paint looked like a nice color, so we grabbed them. I figured the paint was about $20 a gallon or so.

We got to the checkout and it turns out that the paint was one of their highest priced paints at $30 per gallon. We just got $60 of paint for $2. Because we were "kinda" looking at painting another room anyway, that was a real bargain.

If you want to save on paint and can be a little flexible with the color of the paint, checkout the mistints at your local Lowes. It could save you a bundle.

rdub98 --

Good story!

Ben Franklin said "A small leak can sink a large ship".

The only way to survive in this critical economic times is to be frugal. There is nothing wrong when you become frugal even, the hero Mr. Benjamin Franklin once said: " The road to prosperity is as easy as going to the market that is practice industry and frugality in life." Being frugal is not being stingy it is merely deciding to spend for our needs rather than our wants and whims. Today as life is going into the roads of economic recovery we must see the glass as half full of water rather than half empty by being frugal in our financial ways and means. We can only attain financial prosperity if we exercise frugality in our lives. Squandering our monies much more our resources be it natural or artificial is a sure fire formula to be poor. Being frugal is spending our monies in a contrite and cautious ways. We must not waste time nor money as what the hero, Mr. Benjamin Franklin once said. Let us be frugal today not only for sake of being rich and affluent but to conserve our financial resources for the future generations to come.

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